Tjardus Greidanus

Excited for Hollywood to plumb the depths of other historical tragedies. Look out, Holodomor, you're next!

Upvoted for such a wildly obscure reference!


This just made me realize the prevalence of scenes in so many comedy movies in which the protagonist and his best friend exercise and discuss plot points. It's weird that that's become a kind of trope.

Okay, viral ad campaign, you're working on me.

Well Michael Ian Black would go back in time, but he wouldn't kill Hitler. No, he would love Hitler, because maybe—just maybe—he wouldn't have been such an evil man if he had someone who cared about him.

Honestly stunned that this petition got 40,000 signatures while my petition to bring back Dads was completely ignored.


Hi honey! I learned how to internet!

But all men are messy neanderthals who need a strong woman to lovingly roll their eyes and whip them into shape!

There are always going to be bigoted assholes. Plus, I think the overwhelming reaction to the "backlash" (which really amounted to YouTube racists) supports my point.

Susan's death is honestly one of my favorite moments in any TV show. Perfect balance of hilarity and soul-crushing darkness, which is what Seinfeld always excelled at.

I mean, there's no way General Mills would be pushing a progressive message if the benefits of running such a campaign didn't outweigh the negatives. Again, I think it's great that they're doing it, but it's the year 2013 and it's not like they're taking a huge risk by showing an interracial couple on TV (obviously,

Fair enough, I guess. My mother has worked in advertising for around forty years and her stories have just made me awfully cynical.

Tangentially related but I'm sick of companies pretending that their ad campaigns are somehow progressive and noble. Like that Cheerios ad. Cute kid and it's great that they're showing a multiracial family, but let's not pretend it was motivated by anything other than publicity and profit.

Oh god, the Vows columns in The Times are the most insufferable things in the world. I try to hate read them as much as possible.

So this is basically a low-rent American Gods bootleg right?

Me me me!!

Yeah I hate to say it but I kind of agree. Alton Brown's a little too whimsical for my tastes. I prefer Kimball's stern, auditor-like coldness.

The most glaring omission here are the TV turkey dinners that Woody Allen serves to all his weird clients at the end of Broadway Danny Rose.