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    You have said exactly what was in my head, yes.

    Ugh. What if she's pregnant. Ugh.

    I don't think that most of the discussion about the rape worth having deal with there actually being a rape. I think it is more about what will the consequences be? That is what I'm worried about. (See comment above. :)

    Most of the more intelligent and well thought out arguments I have seen against the rape have been more that the writers don't understand how to deal with the consequences of rape in Game of Thrones. Torture, murder have the consequences of being horrifying to those involved.

    Do you really think that if she said, "No", Littlefinger would have accepted that? I don't for a second believe that Sansa actually a choice in that situation, just the illusion of a choice. Did Sansa realize that? I'd like to say probably. I'd like to give Sansa the benefit of the doubt here and say she understands

    There was the cheering that Margery got on her way to her marriage with Tommen that disgusted Cersei.

    The people of King's Landing are NOT going to take Margery's jailing well, don't you think? I hope Margery still ends up living (I love her!) but it doesn't look good for her. My hope is that the people will be so outraged with Tommen not doing anything that there will be some sort of uprising against the Faith

    False suspense. Yes that's exactly it and is very infuriating.


    Mostly those are game changers. They introduce something new to show where the story is going, not split up a story line to make a cliff hanger. I much prefer no cliff hanger (cheap way to build tension that is normally resolved quickly in the next episode or even not shown on camera). Game changers are where it's at.

    But cliffhangers are cheap gags. They are resolved within seconds/minutes of the next episode and usually feel tacked on. What we got instead was bigger and better- a game changer! This is something that carries us through a story line, instead of splitting up a story line. Much more interesting to me.

    Oh that's really interesting! (Not a book reader). Maybe they will develop more distinct personalities now that they are older. Or at the least maybe the free one will.

    Unless you're in Supernatural.

    Oh yeah! I kind of forgot how hard I was screaming at Sansa during that scene with Myranda (sp?). "What are you doing??? Don't go in there by yourself!!"

    I don't think it was fan service. We rarely see boobs on television that aren't sexualized. I thought this was an excellent shot of boobs doing what their main function for a new mom is. True to their circumstances. Quick pause in the action. Another small moment of Jenny and Claire bonding. I loved it! Definitely (2)

    The first season of the show was amazing.

    But that wasn't intentional betrayal, right? Olly thought he was saving Jon by taking down a Wildling.

    She doesn't want to kill the Sons of the Harpy and all their supporters. She needs to unite them in a (preferably) peaceful way. She sees that bloodshed will continue the bloodshed. So marrying one of their former slave master will hopefully send a message of unification- not dominance.

    You've been holding onto that for a long time, haven't you buddy?

    But with a lot less clothing.