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    I was thinking it was going to be a (dead) dire wolf so they got me! :)

    This is my first time watching GoT week to week and you are completely right. We remember the series for the big moments and being able to rewatch the past season episodes one after the other has given myself (and sounds like others) a skewed memory. Other seasons were slow and building as well.

    I have been having the same concerns- however, I have to remind myself that she is still very new to the Bolton's. She honestly hasn't been there long and this is the first time she will test out her confidence without Littlefinger. So it is okay if it takes a while to build. I think realizing she still has allies at

    Agreed- I'm so glad those Dragons are back in play. That was such a tense scene because we know she doesn't have control over them and showing that in front of the Masters could've been really bad.

    He's dead.

    Do you think that Dany showing the Master's where she had her Dragons is going to come back to bite her? (Hah.)

    I don't think that's quite right- Joan has been taught by the world that the only way to get ahead is through her sex appeal. So she's using the only tool she thinks she has to get the liberation she sees in other women. Even when she tries to be professional, her appearance is what is being talked about. It reminds