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    I absolutely agree. I think the way they performed (which was good) was the direction the choreographer wanted them to. With the costume and music, it was unfair criticism.

    And it was an incredible season. One of my favorites!!

    I'm with you, Mac. Lately whenever I have tried to remind commentors, "This is the newbies thread. Books don't matter here!" they answer that we are all in the same place so there are no "spoilers" any more. That's not true… there are tons of stuff in the book that haven't been seen or addressed in the tv show. Just

    The setting fire to the horses and the camp didn't seem like a huge defeat to me. So I assumed the Ramsey shook them up with the fire and then convinced them to fight for him after that (and I suppose Shireen burning helped convince them as well). Otherwise Ramsey's "Way to Defeat Stannis with 20 Men and Fire" seemed

    But if you're following along…… he said it first. I have no knowledge other than what he wrote.

    Sure but that doesn't mean we want to know things/explanations that happened in books that didn't happen in the show. :) For example some nonbook readers are speculating whether Sansa and Theon are dead or not. The book explanation is (apparently) more clear cut than the show according to CoreyLb. I don't want to know

    Hey hey. Books don't matter here. Really, they don't. Don't mention them. Don't do it.

    Very true! Although if they think Ramsey is going to better…. SURPRISE!!!

    That….. doesn't matter.

    Having never watched Twin Peaks and I compare but YES there were so many cliffhangers that are just so annoying. End the storyline- set up the awesomeness for next season.

    Just don't be a spoiler dick and you are more than welcome here :D.

    My assumption was that Ramsey recruited the horsemen from Stannis and they were the ones that attacked Stannis first. Is that not what we were meant to believe?

    Very helpful list except the thing that I got from it was-

    I thought it meant he was a part of the ambush and was helping to organize it.

    Also, I just loved her and wanted her and Jon to be friends.

    Dude, you know it's okay to let some of these go, right?

    What a wasted opportunity if they DON'T give us actual history of the the WW (or even a WW POV storyline!).

    That is a terrifying question.

    I completely agree. I thought it was also a little ridiculous that the writers felt like she needed to be a mom with kids for us to be emotionally invested in her arc dying- which pisses me off that THAT was her arc. I was totally on board with Wildling Woman when she was being all logical and shit. Didn't need to see