Now if it were Patriots AT Miami, I think you’d have a fighting chance. Don’t they have a pretty good record hosting them?
Now if it were Patriots AT Miami, I think you’d have a fighting chance. Don’t they have a pretty good record hosting them?
Tom, you got a typo in this one. Great article though, agreed the Bears defense is head and shoulders above offense right now.
Reminded me a lot of the Arkham Origins video game trailer where Batman gets knocked down to the ground over and over growing up. There’s not a word of dialogue in the trailer and it so perfectly conveys Batman the character. This trailer has me hyped for Captain Marvel.
I had my doubts, but this movie looks incredible.
I would have loved for him to end up on the Packers. Dude is a beast. Decades from now, he will *still* have crazy old man strength
Is baseball so boring that players are now losing grip on their bats for increased airtime?
lmao, this is one of the funniest comments I’ve ever read on Deadspin
Oh man, I can take Tony Daddy issues... but not my Steve finally getting that dance. The Captain America movies are so underrated (not civil war obviously, that’s the best Marvel movie period).
Man, stuck at FU level. Really makes you feel for the guy.
I hadn’t started GP watching yet, but I’ve seen this crash and I’m always amazed M. Melandri lived.
Its growing on me too. I’m on ep2 and I dig how it’s equal parts The Wire and ‘war movie’
Reading the comments today, I’m convinced that people who irrationally hate Ketchup are like the hipsters of condiments.
HogCoin is going to be YUGE.
Back in the day, I would write the directions on a piece of a paper, tape it to the gas tank of my Ninja 250 and call that “my GPS” -- this is definitely a great idea, but it needs to not be distracting. I’m thinking the screen fades out after a certain speed or something. I could see too many people following the map…
No, you were right -- you should be taking digs at Jezebel regularly and not worrying about white knights defending it.
Bike sounded better :P
Eh, it’s not that bad dude. My first game was last year. (Ravens V Dolphins blowout) and it was totally cool. Nobody messed with me at all and I jokingly wore a “Ray Finkle” Dolphins shirt.
Woa woa woa, Antarctica, what were you doing down there?
Damn, dude! I always enjoyed that little tradition. Thanks for all the laughs over time!
I thought Shazier played for the Steelers, not the Niners?