tizzy in a tizzy

Deadspin, you done real good today.

I never imagined breast feeding could be so difficult until I did it. It always looked so easy.

Oh, servers always know when everyone else at the table is mortified by someone's behavior. It also helps when the other people at the table KNOW the individual is going to stiff them, and they tip on their own split checks accordingly. Some will even come back the next day and apologize and THEN tip you. I heard a

I have a few observations of Barbara Winfrey - she was an assistant principal at my high school.

Not bitchy at all. You are correct, there is usually a link to the source article.

Right? The place we booked is $1000 for a 24-hour rental (so there is time to decorate the night before) and that includes a separate room for the ceremony. It's a historic hotel on the waterfront in my hometown. City folk be fucking crazy.

I think the perfect blending of so many languages isn't something we see. It really emphasizes that the Frozen phenomenon is a truly global experience. Little girls (and boys) are singing it across the globe in their native tongues and there's something really cool about that.

No, my wife doesn't exist because I am gay.

absolutely! I was responding to the taking the kid out for a few hours and the fact that I am much more open to being around kids now than I've been before. (We are doing the buy a house/adoption talk at my house.)

HELL YES! This is so absolutely cool and something I needed. Apparently I have not got tired of Let it Go, not at all.

Is there an award for pacing in a show? Because Parenthood should win it. There are like, a thousand story lines but none feel expendable or rushed. It's freaking magic.

Having reviewed a number of Title IX policies/procedures at a variety of universities, I can feel pretty confident in guessing that not much will come from FSU's investigation here. People often forget that Title IX contains much more than just equal numbers of teams or funding for sports — it also concerns a school's

You're totally correct. New babies only exist for about 4 hours a day when they're first born.

"I think it's different when you have an office job because it's routine and you know you can do all the stuff in the morning, and then you come home in the evening," she said. "When you're shooting a movie, they're like, 'We need you to go to Wisconsin for two weeks,' and then you work 14 hours a day, and that

He vacuums.

Perhaps my clubbing is a little less frenetic. :(

That is hands down the worst instruction I have seen in a workout video. Were are her back-up dancers to act out the moves while she is laying it all out? How am I supposed to keep up with 23984387585384 dance steps? Is she making this up as she goes along?

I'm so fascinated I have to learn more. Was it like, poking through his skin? Or just like, you know, tenting it up? I wanna seeeeee.....