tizzy in a tizzy


Indeed. I'm generally pretty careful not to click 'play' on videos where people freaking die. And I'm really hoping that I haven't done so this time.

That was terrifying. I hope someone can post an update - and it's positive - or I'm going to to have nightmares forever.

I'm a bit late to this party (slash blog post) but I feel very compelled to throw in my two bits.

I'm reasonably ok with grey for as long as I need to be, but I hope you escape soon! But I know what you mean. Outside of gawker sites, I never even LOOK at the comments. It's just too damn much to stomach.

I absolutely agree with your whole comment. I hadn't considered the happiness issue much yet since being happy is fairly solid ground for a 4 year old - an emotional roller coaster, for sure, but it's not too difficult to bring out the smiles. :) However you're so right, that life in general isn't like that; but we

" Of course, not all catcalls are created equal. The good ones are innocuous, not crass or obscene. To clarify, a compliment is "meow meow" and not a swat at the face with extended claws."

FWIW, in my experience (just with my child, I'm saying, no judgement on anyone else's approach) overly focusing on my child's successes can have the unintended effect of causing her a LOT of anxiety when she perceives she's made a mistake. Even at the young age of 4, she is extremely preoccupied with perfection,

"Beautiful" Really?? I mean, I can definitely appreciate the artisanship. The skill and patience it takes to create such a design.

Has it occurred to any of these people that (perhaps??) the Xena people ripped off the Wonder Woman people in the first place? Maybe "ripped off" is too harsh, but surely someone out there might see my point... whether it be about the character in general or the costume.

"Fuck Off Fox."

The photo at top of this post is the greatest thing I've seen this week.

thanks! You're too kind though... it's awfully beat up now. Just wish I'd had the common sense to photograph it back when (or rather, had a clue where I put my photos, which I probably DID take!).

Sounds amazing! This is an old house too. 1940s. I was pretty surprised how many compliments I got for my little DIY project (before it got so worn!). :)

Love this! Surprised it holds up so well to moisture!

I don't know what panda express is (foreigner chick here) but I will say that this whole freaking post was "Opposite Day" for me... I mean, fuck the Orange Bacon crap. Give me kale-shiitake-chicken-anything, anytime! :)

I love when you guys link these old in - depth articles dealing with sports figures. (Sincerely!). Thanks for this SI Piece. :)

I don't really have anything to add (that the majority of the last 900+ comments haven't laid bare) except for a desire to register my own disgust at Sterling. There is something SO horrific about this kind of bewildering racist mindset: even when you know perfectly well that it exists, it's insane to hear the "logic"

Maybe I'm blind, but isn't there usually link to the source article? Not being bitchy here, just wouldn't mind reading it... :)

$2000 for an 8 hour rental is considered "affordable"???