Titus Chester

Holy cow I had to scroll through SEVENTEEN ads to get through this article on mobile!!! What the hell happened to Kotaku? It’s like I’m on Forbes. 

Sometimes in the previous games I just wanted a solid utility gun that’s useful in all situations

There’s kind of an off tone here. The premise seems to be that maybe people only liked Borderlands because they were immature and young and now they are old and seasoned and won’t? I guess that works if you assume that the player was X age (maybe your age?) when they first started playing but now they have “been to a

Small Town speed traps.  Familiar with the concept and practice?

Early on, Han Solo uses a lightsaber to cut open a Tauntaun...

Hot Taek. We have a goddamn Hot Taek over here! 

In his defense, the officer was probably just on edge from being surrounded by so many giant, successful, black men.

I can tell you how this is gonna play out now. He’s probably already back in Canada, so he’s out of their jurisdiction. And the Canadians won’t extradite one of their own. But Batman has no jurisdiction.


Yeah, but “not good” = bad. To say these actors are bad is to render subjective judgement where nobody will agree.

Sort of weirdly enough one of the things about being a Toronto sports fan is that while all of our owners suck, all of our owners have generally been faceless corporations or, for about 15 years, a teachers pension fund.

Venture capital is inherently a game of odds, where you get a lot of rich people with a lot of assets, pool those assets and throw them at 100 ideas you think MIGHT make money and knowing only one or two needs to be a hit. It isn’t about investing in the best tech or product, it’s about investing in something that may

Fair, but here’s the thing: all sports team owners are scum, even the “good” ones.

Drake: I’m going to be the most dislikable courtside presence ever!

What they do or don’t do with their land is their business. Just because they weren’t building mcmansions or condos on it doesn’t mean anything or give anyone the right to buy or take it.

10 years ago we had games like World of Warcraft and Everquest, and no one seemed to mind those.  What enraged people were games having always online requirements which otherwise didn’t need to be online.

I do remember that.

This would be a little like complaining that Netflix* has an always online requirement.

*I appreciate that Netflix allows offline viewing in some cases, but the general point is that you expect to be online to stream content, right?

I didn’t realize San Andreas came out in 1999! Learn something new every day.