Titus Chester

At the academy awards we give the best actor award to the guy who acted the best. We don’t give it to the guy who acted some but also used his platform to open the door to black actors and directors and raised concern for syrian refugee orphans. I think gamer of the year is a title that should go to people who played

What a clickbait article. You are picking and choosing what reviewers are saying to create a negative impression of this game so you can get revenue through some linked product. It’s 91 on metacritic right now which i know is the devil but measures somewhat of how good it is. You guys just had your nitpicky round

I have 100mb down and it studdered horribly when I tried superhot and ass creed odyssey. It’s a piece of shit dude, in my opinion. But I feel for you, i didn’t have a console after giving mine to my nephews and nothing to play games and it was super easy to jump into with 10 bucks a month or whatever it was. There is

I’m reading it 3 years later! Yes f this layout!

Didn’t I just read a different kotaku article by Luke about how dogshit the xbox one was and it was a worthless purchase?

I like how you give zero details on why it was not so bad and not so good and also better than carter and how you imply that we can’t possibly judge a person from a time we didn’t live in as if we don’t have actual testimonials, quotes, videos, documents. I don’t need to be alive in 1932 do know that Stalin was an

What a horrible article. First, the reason there are screens isn’t to psychologically shield the soldiers - it’s to literally shield them so they don’t have to expose themselves to enemy fire and die. Second, the controller is simply to make it faster to pick up. I worked in aerial reconnaissance and trained soldiers

What? Is this sarcasm? You want a videogame studio to comment on protests/riots around police brutality against african americans because they made a game about building an Empire like 12 years ago? Quick, someone find the former president of sierra games to make sure he apologizes since he oversaw police quest 1. so

I loved it too. We were convinced our company commander took those pills that made you an emotionless robot. 

Littlefinger was such a cunning character and really had a shitty ending to his story. I think he should have been there at the end maybe even as the King. I wished it would have been an ending where someone like Evil Danerys wins the throne, the white walkers make it all the way to King’s landing or even Dorne, just


This is the best take I have seen and explains my mild disappointment perfectly.

I did this with the Lord of the Rings movies. Somehow decided it was a point of pride of having never seen any until the third one came out and i saw both first ones and the the third one in the theater and have tried to not be such an idiot about popular shows and movies since then.

What is this a reference to?

I chose Kassandra in Odyssey and am excited about the idea of the female Viking in this one. I have a new daughter and look forward to her being able to play as a woman character in future games and this overall trend. Having said that, I still object to Battlefield 5 female characters being so prominent. Battlefield 5

Wow you got it all figured out! So world leaders are purposefully creating a recession and destroying the economy in a grand coordinated scheme and also the world’s leading medical professionals and doctors are also part of this same conspiracy? Perhaps guided by the lizard people or maybe the jews? Go back to

I’ve had it a few times at starbucks where they offer to print it but i decline because it’s just a coffee and then on the way home i taste my gross-ass coffee and have no real recourse. I don’t like that they make you opt-in for a receipt.

Braid and Horizon: Zero Dawn. Horizon just blew me away and I loved discovering what happened and felt very satisfied with the story.

You are not the only one. All of these click bait articles like the one Kotaku wrote above are just such edgy hot takes and I roll my eyes when they talk about the humor and how we’ve all matured beyond it. I still think bonerfarts is funny. But yes it’s borderlands and it’s a different place with different characters