Titus Chester

I thought I would enjoy this article as I had someone ruin a Star Wars plot twist a few years go and thought about doing the same thing. But the “I thought we were friends.” And all of that really broke my heart and now this guy was betrayed by someone in such a cruel manner. So much worse than infinity war being

I’m one of the anti-epic people even though everyone says it’s not a big deal, which I get it’s not really. But imagine as a console gamer if you had one console but two different psn stores from different vendors. And if you want to launch the game you have to turn on the PS4, then go to store A to launch your game,

What is this Golden State’s official blog now? These underdog warriors just can’t catch a break with everyone targeting them. Natural motion, ankle destroying team who continues to dangerously close out opponents and then act all innocent. Cries about the refs when they get spanked by the clippers and then everyone

Overall good article and there was bullshit on both sides but those two technicals on Harden and then D’antoni wasn’t some missed call or inconsistent bs - it was the refs egos ruining the end of a game. They remind me of the cops who enforce PoP (pissing off the police ) laws where they feel disrespected even

SO Mike’s mom aside, why do you suppose they blew it? 

Fuck as a Kings fan it hurts so bad. I wouldn’t say the Kings are dumb as dogshit though, I would say Vivek and Vlade are dumb  as dog shit and you can argue they are the Kings but they’re an entire organization of people who aren’t them and fans who don’t like them. But it’s the old KANGZ easy joke. Just shit all

I read the books before the show and it seems like that was the only inevitable conclusion. There were so many instances of foreshadowing in the book, an overwhelming amount. And I’m not trying to be a book snob or you should read the book or anything. I wish I would have watched the seasons first and then read the

I remember being so far in that game and it bugging out and I couldn’t get past a mission and somehow that was my only save. I never finished it. I also never used cheats but my roommate did like crazy and he must have used one at some point on my save and saved it afterwards. MENDOZA!!!!!!

You’ve just proved his point.

What is good for PSVR? I thought it was garbage but only from reading reviews and comments. 

Lakers fans were chanting Kobe’s name when Lebron was struggling a few nights ago and they forgot about this shit you just posted. Rings amnesia. 

Kobe or as I call him “Colorado Cabin Mamba” aka “Plea-bargain mamba”. Thanks for writing this article - he gets a pass for what he did by most of the press and basketball fans. 

The Kings are doing solid work and looking great. It’s frustrating that you use them nearly beating Golden State as a sign of Golden State’s dysfunction rather than the Kings improvement or perhaps a combination of the two.

I saw a tweet saying if you’re concerned about old rich white politicians being able to finish their meals in peace vs toddler concentration camps then I don’t know what to tell you. I do totally get what you’re saying and it can be disruptive to the other diners but if this is a life or death situation with your

Did the daily mail buy kotaku? What is happening with these articles now? I used to defend kotaku on reddit because I loved it but now it’s clickbait barely related to video games, the same picture of the shrine in the water by Hiroshima, some article about trans gaming written by the trans person ( which fine but

I used to go to them in Suwon and they were a lot of fun. I recently went to an MLB game and it felt very dead in comparison. I 100% prefer Korean Baseball and I am sure Japanese baseball is just as great. 

Someone joined me last night and was talking shit and i turned online off and it showed me as the only player but it still showed him identifying plants on a planet and i hadn’t named one planet in the 5 planet solar system so i wonder if i go back if it’s gonna be like JAPUTIE LIX BALLZ . i watched a video earlier of

I don’t understand how the US trying to rename french fries is related with this situation with the shoes. 

Yeah the middle east seems to be like this from my experience in Egypt, Saudi, Qatar, Iraq, and the UAE. You must cater to us. We are superior. When we are in your country or you are in ours you are expected to give us the proper respect.

Meanwhile his Texas family will be reassigned.