Titus Chester

Yeah basically. I went on the forums complaining and that’s what I was told and they were right. If it had been as easy as I wanted it in the beginning, by the time I learned all the fighting mechanics i would have been bored with how easy it is. But then again I am the guy who plays nba2k on super easy and gets like

Yeah basically. I went on the forums complaining and that’s what I was told and they were right. If it had been as

I wasn’t a fan of Botw at first because of the weapon breaking and I felt so underpowered and easily killed, but then I learned how to fight and got used to rotating weapons and I really loved it. But I hated it at first. I think i also didn’t like how it felt empty but my perspective changed and I saw all the detail

I wasn’t a fan of Botw at first because of the weapon breaking and I felt so underpowered and easily killed, but

Buddy does more than exist.

This shit really bums me out to read. I get it’s a joke but it’s the same joke I read everywhere. This last year, if you look at the total wins, it doesn’t look like much, but if you watch the games we have something really special with the current core and adding doncic is going to get us to the next level.

YES. I loved 2142. Also Vietnam would be good. World War II just seems wrong since COD just did it and honestly it’s close enough to how they did WW1 I don’t want to play it.

I agree 100% with your list but I want to take this moment to rant about how in all of the fps fallouts, everything is so god damn dirty except the institute. I remember playing new vegas I think and running across a military type outpost and you go inside and the wall paper is torn and the boards are half destroyed

I don’t know where to post this so I’ll put it here. I don’t understand what happened to your site. I have 200 MB/s download and it takes so long for pictures to load as I scroll relative to other pages on the internet. Also when I am on mobile and I just see the first comment and it fades out and I have to click to

My favorite comedy moment was playing Horizon Zero Dawn at the battle at the Carja gate where you fight the scorpion thing before you enter. You finally kill the scorpion robot thing and the carja guards who were attacking it before you came are like “Truly the sun shines upon us this day!” and Aloy says under her

Did you play black flag? Your path and mine sound similar. I liked 1 a lot but there were annoying things like the feathers collection mission. I loved 2, then lost interested until Black Flag, skipped the british one and am ready to dive into this one. Not to mention the educational mode coming early next year looks

Did you play black flag? Your path and mine sound similar. I liked 1 a lot but there were annoying things like the

Maybe they were just continuously accelerating?

I guess the tie fighter thing was that they would be exposed without main cruiser support and be destroyed leaving their own ships defenseless against a smaller ship attack? But yeah i thought why can’t they just jump right ahead? We’ve seen precise jumps in the past like the one onto the first order death star but

Nice guys was so good. But I just don’t get the hate for this movie.

That’s not a plot, that’s just you saying “don’t make a dumb movie”. Like what broad strokes would you have done for the plot? Luke trains Rey? Luke comes out of hiding and is a force god bringing down star destroyers? Kylo Ren kills Rey? What major plot points would you have included because you like everyone else

Yeah why didn’t people see it like that? It’s the “this is crazy enough to work!” thing failing over and over where in Star Wars it always seems to work previously. I liked that.

People shit all over that and I liked it. Nobody would have blinked an eye if it had been the emperor, Luke, Kylo etc. Leia is Luke’s twin, frequently can feel things like her son’s presence, Luke dying, etc, and it’s easy for me to imagine her being trained to use the force to do something like pull herself to

I’m sincerely asking, what movies did you like the past few years because I think this was not a trash movie and I loved it and I am confused on how so many people in this thread hate it with such passion. It’s like if you went to a discussion about smores and everyone was like “FUCK SMORES”. and you’re like, but i

I can’t imagine what the idea was before carrie fisher died. It made sense to me as is and it was interesting to see. The entire leadership was wiped out but she was able to save herself because she has the powers luke taught her. The point was she’s the only one left and this is how she survived. It makes the

Poetic is a good word for it, I thought it was beautifully done. I’m going to reply here to you but this is really a rant about the rest of the thread. These people in this thread, Jesus, how entitled. And for every complaint about “why didn’t they do it this way?” there are equal reactions on the other side of people

Linear != A game where your ai teammates play the game for you and you just hide, which is what you described. Most games have it where in the single player campaign, your friendlies kill enemies but the game won’t advance until you kill a few yourself. If you want the game to advance without you having to do

Yeah I often marvel at the game as I dash through smoke and explosions with planes buzzing overhead. It’s so immersive and gorgeous. Also I tried battlefront 2 and it is not fun. It feels like it was made for 8 year olds learning to play a shooter. I hate the way guns feel, I hate how it’s just a funnel of death for