Titus Chester

Unless law enforcement wishes to admit that these devices are actually about revenue generation and not safety...

90s pro sport style guides dictate that the mascot has to be depicted playing the sport in question. The Mighty Ducks logo is just sporting equipment designed for a duck, so there’s a strong suggestion that a Duck With Attitude is playing hockey somewhere, but no visual confirmation

Yeah, except it wasn’t.

You know Florida will put a gun on it.

I’m one of the anti-epic people even though everyone says it’s not a big deal, which I get it’s not really. But imagine as a console gamer if you had one console but two different psn stores from different vendors. And if you want to launch the game you have to turn on the PS4, then go to store A to launch your game,

So...what was the ranking?

My wife goes to sleep every night listening to music or podcasts on her phone and as a result is regularly woken up in the middle of the night by random texts and emails. She refuses to use Do Not Disturb because she’s afraid her mother might have a heart attack at 3 am and she’d miss the text about it.

They’ll write about whoever is President. Can you name one time in history that people didn’t write about the POTUS? Can your dimwitted little mind think father back than 2 years?

If you don’t already like Marvel’s offerings, this movie isn’t going to change your mind. But this movie wasn’t really made for that crowd, anyway, so that’s not surprising.

It also includes TV, Ipads, Computers, etc. Not just phones. No TV for kids under two I think very few people would abide by that and nearly all of us watched TV as small children. 

I don’t know. Looked like they were phoning it in to me.

By “adult nerds” do you mean people who like enjoyable movies you insufferable twatwaffle?


Of course it is possible for children, even those who are not immunocompromised, to die from complications of the measles. But not that many.”

USA Today reports that Alaska’s Denali, the tallest mountain in North America, beholds 66 tons of frozen human shit left behind by decades worth of hikers.

I can’t help but agree with your sentiment. I can still remember when Harleys were the bailiwick of burly, windblown vagabonds. They’d ride all day, then drink and shoot pool all night before following the tumbleweeds to the next town. My grade-school classmates had a massive reverence for the brand back then. I think

He might have a Prime Student or Prime Video subscription, which is not eligible for the full-blown service, just a 30-day trial of Twitch Prime, after which it costs $13/mo. In that instance, if you are indeed required to hang onto the Twitch Prime subscription in order to get the second chunk of 9 months of NSO,

Why are you being an arrogant ignorant ass? Twitch Prime is included in Amazon Prime. There is no additional subscription fee. Additionally, you are just wrong about the Nintendo online service deal. You get 3 months free and then in 60 days you can redeem an additional 9 months.

Lakers fans were chanting Kobe’s name when Lebron was struggling a few nights ago and they forgot about this shit you just posted. Rings amnesia. 

Kobe or as I call him “Colorado Cabin Mamba” aka “Plea-bargain mamba”. Thanks for writing this article - he gets a pass for what he did by most of the press and basketball fans.