Titus Chester

This would certainly explain why Game of Thronesspawned an entire cottage industry while it would be remarkable if you’ve ever heard a human person talk about You or Sex Education out loud, but who can say? Not me, because I don’t and can’t know if Netflix is telling the truth—and not Netflix, because their numbers

This screed is nothing but self-soothing garbage. You know when I knew it was time to check out? “As a professional television critic...” Oh, gee, yes, now your opinions carry weight. Please, do tell me how hard it is to professionally television critic binge-able shows, very relatable.

I’ve read this twice and I’m still not entirely sure what the point of this rant is. That people prefer comfort food over new stuff? Well, sure. That’s been the case since TV began. (And I’ll always have a Law & Order on when I’m doing chores.) Netflix wants people to stay home and watch Netflix? Well, duh. It’s hard

You seem like a gem. 

I know it’s not exactly a high bar, but many video game executives don’t even bother to pretend to play games. Reggie had a Dragon Quest IX save with like 100 hours in it.

How often did anyone see a Sony exec sitting around playing a PSP (obviously, not a Vita since they were all unaware of it)?

Yeah man, I always hate it when people start discussions about specific things and try to stay on topic.  People are wrapped up in what they want that they don’t stop to think about what i want which is waaaaay more important.

Robot Jox stands alone! It stands alone dammit!

overreact much? lol

oh man i didn’t even see the 90's in the title for some reason. my bad. Just saw the headline at work and got excited about KOTOR. haha,. 

An analog synth for actually making music for under $350? Easiest question I’ve been asked in a very long time. :)

If you want an inexpensive way to try out modular synths, the $150 Korg volca modular Micro Modular Synthesizer looks like it would be a good bet. If you are more interested in having a funky analog synth

‘frankly I’m always here for fans reinterpreting media in queer ways’

I understand this is a tongue in cheek article, but man the Mary Jane and Miles stealth missions just put the brakes on the fun. I like both characters, but I question giving them gameplay segments. Whenever the game cuts to Mary Jane or anyone who doesn’t have, you know, the cool super powers that are the reason this

Hooray! In a shitty world in really shitty times, a show that managed to provide 20-something minutes of entertainment and escapism for millions of people around the world each week is finally ending! What a glorious day for people who don’t watch it to celebrate others no longer being able to watch something they

What’s wrong with you that you would pull this comment out and copy it into a new thread, instead of just responding to it and engaging the person in dialogue? The whole point of a comment section with replies is for commenters to engage one another.

Yeah, it’s....fine. My wife and I watched it for quite a while but it’s really no different than most other network sitcoms out there, just with geek/nerd culture as the subject matter. Not sure why people get so mad over it. Pointing out that the references or whatever may be lazy is pointless when it’s the exact same

Meh. I’ll be the dissenting voice here and say I don’t mind The Big Bang Theory. My wife enjoys it and I find some of the comic book/sci-fi references it makes give me a chuckle even if my wife doesn’t get them without an explanation.

As part of his brand, Kareem also puts goggles over the lens on his smartphone.

Elite: Dangerous deals with this potential problem by providing three different choices for logging on: General play, private group, or solo play.  Given that I am not the least bit interested in suffering shitlords, I always go with solo play. I’m interested in galactic exploration with a little trading, not putting