Titus Chester

I was going to give you a star for a nice sarcastic take, then I read the next followup and realized you are serious.

Yes, I agree, Kevin Love’s contract extension is truly a threat to America. WHY CAN’T EVERYONE ELSE SEE IT?!?!?!?!?

Meanwhile his Texas family will be reassigned.

None of that is as crazy as how many people in the audience, who regularly buy groceries, will believe his claim that you need ID at the grocery store.

Oh, he’ll be provided with a new family in Arizona. That’s how these things are done.

Yeah, but the cart ride for his family back in Texas had to be much longer, right?

Salvaggio said yesterday that he doubted Helen would still be alive, since she required a particular sort of tank.

Re: BotW. What you’re saying is... git gud. (I agree 100% One of the best games I’ve ever played)

Re: BotW. What you’re saying is... git gud. (I agree 100% One of the best games I’ve ever played)

I own it, tried it, and didn’t get far. I’ve owned and beaten every single Zelda game ever (sans CD-i games), but BOTW didn’t “grab me” early on and I lost interest.

I own it, tried it, and didn’t get far. I’ve owned and beaten every single Zelda game ever (sans CD-i games), but

Got to ask in what world is Breath of the Wild divisive? Its widely regarded as one of the best games of last year and universally praised by fans and critics alike?  To be fair Mario Odyssey is also all those things so either pick will be a good one.

Got to ask in what world is Breath of the Wild divisive? Its widely regarded as one of the best games of last year

Slightly related, I have wondered for a long time if animals have the same thing. If you meet a puppy when it’s 1 month old and spend a week with it, then a year later you meet the puppy again, will it remember you? Or is it not able to create those lasting memories at such a young age?

Well you just have to keep the con going and convince someone that they are buying a functioning device from you. 

I remember feeling like this back in 07 when my team was terrible.

I’d like to think I have a reputation on this site for either well-thought out opinions or witty retorts.

Fortnite (welfare pubg) is only popular because its free. If people had to actually pay for it the player base would dwindle. The building mechanic is total garbage and subtracts from the tension of an online shooter.

I won’t rest until I get 2143.

I was hoping for Vietnam but this will do. DICE bends over backwards for what EA says, so if they’re being cautious, then EA must be as well.

Syndicate was actually pretty good. The setting of Unity was great, but that game sucked out loud. It felt rushed and half-baked. I’ve really enjoyed Origins, even if the missions do get a touch repetitive after awhile. Wasn’t super excited to see the naval combat come back (whee... I get to circle around and around

Syndicate was actually pretty good. The setting of Unity was great, but that game sucked out loud. It felt rushed

“We Egyptians have never been humiliated before during our seven thousand years of civilisation.”

I'm one of the few who thinks FO3 is better than New Vegas. Don't get me wrong, I like both quite a lot. And I still have intentions of playing 2. New Vegas had some pretty great writing, but something about the quest options just felt lackluster to me. In theory having the different factions to fight or befriend was