Titus Chester

And they are all inspired by this from 1933:

Both of these seem to be about what I expected from a SR title which involved aliens.

Dont know who that luigi is, this is my LUIGI!

And that, my dear children, is how baby tanks are made. :)

Ok, that's it; I'm out.

Hippos- more than just a fun game.

Hope the complainers are happy, you wanted an Xbox 360 2 and you got one. I myself was looking forward to a new idea of console gaming system, but oh well.

Wow..... Prometheus actually depicted scientist realistically.

It's an awesome idea, but to anybody who has ever skated in a skatepark after rain, it's going to be a huge mess. Clogged drains, mud everywhere (sometimes inches thick), and wet spots make for a tough skate.

I think Animal Crossing, Halo, and Tetris are all great games, but I don't think any of them would make good Superman games.

Am I the only person interested in the xbone so I can have accurate voice commands like the futurist 80s movies? I fucking can't stand the DRM but I really want to interact with it and TV and all that with my voice (assuming the new kinect is that good at recognizing it). It's so dumb, I know it's dumb.

Am I the only one more excited for Xbox One than PS4? Seems like it.

"This discussion was over a day after it started....."

"Too big" for what? All it has to do is sit on a shelf. Does it fit on a shelf in an entertainment center? Yes? Then it's exactly the right fucking size.

A lot of people gave MS and Sony a lot of crap for the "artsy" design of the 360 and PS3, because you could not stack things on top of them and were hard to deal with in cabinets. The idea here is that the XBOne will be sitting under or over your cable box and surround sound (which it is also connected to) and not

'Hi, I'm a photographer, I'm looking to buy a camera. I don't really care what the specs are, just give me the one with the loudest fucking shutter possible.'