Titus Chester

Steam gets better and better, Now they need to make a Twitch.tv like service where you can watch your friends play (only your friends) while you are on chat with them.

You meant Shiner Bock, right?

Now playing

Forgot to mention that this whole thing reminds me of this David Cross bit about Coors.

I'm going to start calling these posts Gawker-isms, simply because out of all the posts I see on Giz/Gaw/Kotaku/Jalopnik, at least half of them are like this. Useless, with absolutely no point but to ridicule someone for living.

I love cross promotion!

Well, if you check ebay, the SNES cart sells for more than that and it is the most common SNES cart there is (it came with the SNES). While you or I personally wouldn't want to pay that much for it, there is no "should be" price. The price is dicated by what the market will bear. If people will buy it at that price,

What if... this mode turned out to be a form of Splinter Cells' Mercs vs Spies?!

Oh my god, just release EVERY game on the VC at once. Enough with this stupid "one a week" crap, and give us SNES games as well.

That's a crossbow! Game ruining gimic ahoy!

I really hope this guy loses his job, then tries to complain about it on the internet.