Titus Chester

Yeah why didn’t people see it like that? It’s the “this is crazy enough to work!” thing failing over and over where in Star Wars it always seems to work previously. I liked that.

People shit all over that and I liked it. Nobody would have blinked an eye if it had been the emperor, Luke, Kylo etc. Leia is Luke’s twin, frequently can feel things like her son’s presence, Luke dying, etc, and it’s easy for me to imagine her being trained to use the force to do something like pull herself to

I’m sincerely asking, what movies did you like the past few years because I think this was not a trash movie and I loved it and I am confused on how so many people in this thread hate it with such passion. It’s like if you went to a discussion about smores and everyone was like “FUCK SMORES”. and you’re like, but i

I can’t imagine what the idea was before carrie fisher died. It made sense to me as is and it was interesting to see. The entire leadership was wiped out but she was able to save herself because she has the powers luke taught her. The point was she’s the only one left and this is how she survived. It makes the

Poetic is a good word for it, I thought it was beautifully done. I’m going to reply here to you but this is really a rant about the rest of the thread. These people in this thread, Jesus, how entitled. And for every complaint about “why didn’t they do it this way?” there are equal reactions on the other side of people

Linear != A game where your ai teammates play the game for you and you just hide, which is what you described. Most games have it where in the single player campaign, your friendlies kill enemies but the game won’t advance until you kill a few yourself. If you want the game to advance without you having to do

Yeah I often marvel at the game as I dash through smoke and explosions with planes buzzing overhead. It’s so immersive and gorgeous. Also I tried battlefront 2 and it is not fun. It feels like it was made for 8 year olds learning to play a shooter. I hate the way guns feel, I hate how it’s just a funnel of death for

If you want a story that advances where the outcome doesn’t depend on your actions as a player then go watch a movie.

For me, 1942: The Pacific Air War game from 1994 was my favorite flight sim as a kid. It was all pacific war but I remember learning about stalling, blacking out, flaps, flying CAPs, tips to fight against zeros, it was just incredible. I was 11 or 12 and blown away by it flying full missions without speeding it up.

Worse than the first 5 minutes thing is where you go looking for a specific item for a specific purpose and spend an hour in a store before abandoning it and returning home with a to be continued hanging in the air. Like, I need a dress for your brother’s wedding in 2 months, and you invest that time and reap NOTHING.

Dude I usually really like your articles but not a fan of this one. WCS not a butt. And it’s just an empty article? No breakdown. Yeah and Lonzo’s really anti-butt right?

You got me. I went and looked it up thinking he did great and saw he only took 2 field goals and 1 three. You miss every shot you don’t take. In Lonzo’s case he misses the ones he does as well.

I can’t imagine how riveting and fun your version would have been to watch. I bet you’re into spreadsheets too.

Sure buddy. And Obama was born in Africa right?

I agree except when you’re new and also sometimes you’ve got quests taking you somewhere. That GPS guidance was nice. i guess they could do voice guidance?

Yay sacramento is no longer basketball hell!

Yeah why does this work in battlefield but they felt the need to limit vehicle spawns in this game? It’s so bizarre. I played the beta last night and it was a step up from last year. There is an incentive to play to get rewards of vehicles and heroes. I think they’ll need to balance that a little because i had one

I had heard that it goes quicker but not about the repetition thing. That’s interesting. Maybe just try to live an interesting life, read about new things, go to new places, seek out new experiences. Yeah doesn’t sound so bad.

I would also add a huge part of our success is our dedication to training hard in realistic scenarios. I have worked with foreign armies and I think that’s the biggest think that separates us from them.

NBA2K the prelude releases September 8th.