Titus Chester

Oh man this reminds me to go check on Star Citizen that I backed in 2013 through their website. Surely it’s done by now!

So what do you recommend?

So what do you recommend?

Every other game out there allows this and it’s a matchmaking issue they can easily solve. Yeah it sucks sometimes when you get put up against a well coordinated team but that’s punishing the people who actually work together for the benefit of some casual player solo-ing.

I loved this game

I thought it was great. Keep it up.

As a Kings fan, watching these draft decisions makes me feel like when I am driving in traffic and whichever lane I switch to instantly becomes the slow lane. Or at the supermarket, there are 3 people in one line and 1 in the other but that 1 ends up having food stamps and coupons and they have to price check and then

Just a joke man

Buy it now.

Stephen, does the internal power adaptor accept 220v? The PS4 has universal voltage but the xbone only accepts US voltage and burns up anywhere else. This isn’t such a huge problem if you burn up your 30 dollar power brick but if people screw up and it’s internal then oh snap 500 dollars up in flames.

Get out of here with that voice of reason garbage!

Dude why don’t you just go hang out on RPS. Kotaku is 80% console stuff anyway.

Beyond the time to research and build it, for me it’s about the time it takes to get some games running when they keep crashing or have weird behavior and I have to search through forum after forum.

You’re not the target audience for this. It’s the same as the PS4 Pro which was something like 60% of existing PS4 owners upgrading to have better performance and 4k resolution. Or it’s for people like me who own a PS4 and have debated about getting an Xbox before but this pushes us off the fence into buying one

Yeah it’s like, we could write a bot to post this and then more bots to post the exact counter arguments you read every time.

I knew a guy with the last name Kaiser who married his gf with the last name Kaiser. They were both so god damn weird that they had to be related. They went out of their way to tell us how they checked first but I didn’t buy it.

Is there something like this for other countries? I live abroad but we have a different netflix catalog here.

They should just make a call of duty game where every time you fire a gun after 3 bullets the gun stops working but if you shot 3 nazis then shit, 3 more weapons and that means NINE more bullets before your weapons are all f***ed. What a wonderful game mechanic. Fallout did it right, Zelda takes it to the most

So would you be cool with this system in other games? I play red dead redemption and my pistols constantly explode so i need to pick up more pistols after 10 shots?

I agree. I was so excited and am so bored playing. I too dread fighting the same enemies, breaking all of my weapons in 5 hits, getting one hitted by some low level npc...it all sucks. When I played horizon zero dawn a few weeks ago i couldn’t put it down. I was so addicted and so into the world and the story and the

Did you guys have exosquad in Australia ?