Titus Chester

Technically 2 percent less than half! But I’m sure you defended Obama when sports figures attacked him too since he was elected by the American people. Because if you didn’t then you’d be a hypocrite which is the opposite of the Republican Party! They’re so full of values and stuff! Also I think we can all agree that

I hate that the Normandy level is the first one. It’s going to be a tutorial type thing or the first easy-ass level after a tutorial. It should be a culminating challenge mid-game like it was in allied-assault where it was a serious affair, not a BS easy entry-level like in frontline.

They actually used to have a McDonalds but I guess it wasn’t popular? It was expensive as shit but Switzerland was way more expensive. I liked the 2% beer and I liked a lot of the food we had. I loved it and want to go back. I was going through some rough shit in my life and it was nice to go driving on the eastern

A little Battlefield 1, FInish my nba2k17 season 1, Nioh for a few hours, Watch dogs 2, and fallout shelter during loading screens.

He was joking

Why do you read it then? Serious question.

Blah translators bad! everything sucks. Can’t we just be excited like we were as kids instead of just shitting all over everything 5 minutes after the presentation ends?

I think that saying what’s on your mind with no regrets can be interpreted as being a real mean person. So, “those pants make you look fat” could be a totally true statement but it’s going to hurt the feelings of that person and there should be some regrets if that person’s feelings are hurt and they start crying. How

It’s weird sometimes, how your brain organizes things and says, subconsciously it’s ok to spend on one thing but not on others. After my radio/cdplayer got ripped out of my truck one night, I drove around with no music for a year because I didn’t want to spend $100 dollars on a new one, yet I spent that in one weekend

I feel you man. I think they should stretch out the respawn timer because i feel zero consequence for dying. I think this applies to battlefield as well which seems to only be like 5 seconds.

I think the difference between 3 and 4 isn’t huge but bad company 2 was a very different feel for me and how buildings were blown up and other mechanics felt a lot different.

These costumes are amazing but I’ve always wondered: do they wear them at more than one event or is it considered lame if they reuse it?

Yes. One of the few games I have come back to more than 2 times. I saw one of the devs wearing an Arkane studios at a buffet and freaked out. I asked him if there was a second one coming (before it had been announced) and he nervously looked around like he was trapped. I had my answer then. YES. More Dishonored!

NHL Hitz 2003. I love the customization for players and all of the wacky nicknames you can give them. It is so incredibly satisfying to play and just knock the shit out of a guy through the glass. It’s fast paced and fun and I love it.

I have a friend who went back to replay it as fem-shep just so he could have lesbian sex. I feel like many of us probably have that friend.

I worked a shitty paper route for a summer as a 12 year old to save up for a sega saturn and some games including daytona USA. When I first turned it on and heard “ROOollinnggg staAAARRTTTTT” I think I experienced whatever the closest approximation to Nirvana a 12-year old can feel.

I mean, they did the same thing in the original show with beach boys and other Jesse tunes, as well as rocky and bullwinkle and shows from well before the time of the show. But yeah, Macy gray. hmm.

Yeah. Article title should be: “I hated full house - I hate fuller house. The end”

I had trouble getting into 4 but I really love Primal and highly recommend it. There are some neat mechanics and interesting design choices.

I absolutely love it and have had some really great “holy shit that was awesome!” moments when wandering through the game or doing some of the missions. I didn’t play a lot of 4, none of 3, little of 2, so I am not burned out by Far Cry like maybe Zabant. It’s fucking fantastic in my opinion.