Dibs on this as a band name.
Dibs on this as a band name.
Sexy Ithorian
My favorite was the republic commando at 5:16
PSN digital copies far cry 4, wolfenstein, handsome jack collection - 35 dollar fire tablet. It's my stunt phone for watching Netflix on the treadmill/elliptical.
I was wondering about the def rating because it kept saying it was too low. Thanks.
Metacritic score: 90
Metacritic score: 90
Wow first I have to watch gawker’s video ad, then I get to watch youtube’s video ad.
I agree with you. It’s like people are taking crazy pills and then posting here. That driver should go to prison and pay for the hospital bills. The rider should lose his license at the most.
Yes. It gave me goosebumps.
This is definitely a good thing. I don’t know how you balance the availability to these assets properly but this is an interesting approach.
I think the problem is people get thrown into it and don’t understand how a lot of these devices work. The first time i picked up an x-wing icon I wasn’t sure what it meant, then i saw a countdown timer and thought i was about to be loaded into the x-wing. Then the icon disappeared and I thought maybe I had ordered in…
What make them OP?
The protagonist tells her not to use that word in the next frame if matters. Also she's trying to intimidate an older boy into leaving while he's grabbing the 12 year olds bike and stopping her from going anywhere as opposed to just shooting the shit. I enjoyed the comic and dont think others should avoid it because…
Well in MY opinion, the way you reacted to the guy reacting to the other guy was the most assholest move
The Colombians use them effectively in counter-insurgent operations, super tucanos as well.
I have been preaching this game for years and nobody ever listens...
Actually it's: don't announce pc version - announce pc version nearly a year later and set the date to January 2015 - push back game to fix bugs to march - push back game to fix bugs to april - kill puppies and cancel game.
We say it all the time in the military. I never thought much of it until now.
I'm on my way to that number and loving it. Meanwhile, we have a kotaku writer complaining in an article that "Dwagon age doesn't respect my time :( waa."