


I signed up because I'd like Chris and the rest of the Drive team to be objective in their reviews. Under the free-for-viewer model, Test/Drive has been a bit soft with their critiques. Compare that to Chris's harsher reviews of the past (like w/ Ferrari), and and it seems that the manufacturer/advertisement

I hope they do! It would be nice to see Aston get purchased by a company with some real stability, and also one that's willing to invest a few more pennies into the r&d to keep the brand flourishing.

Yes I watched the videos. He takes one video as an example, however I would wager if you took their channel as a whole they must be in profit. I have no objection to people making money from their jobs, I just think it's a bit rich to charge.

I like Drive, I really do. However I fail to see why they need to charge. I don't understand how they can't make enough from advertising. They have a million plus subscribers and millions of views. They could even just stick a 30sec add midway through their videos. I'm aware it costs money to make videos, and that

Great cars require great sacrifice...I'll pay for the gas and oil changes...and probably a lot of tires.

That has made some epic replays for me in Forza and GTA (especially for when people use bombs in GTA Races). So far, also has worked once in real life too.

Hahahaha that freudian slip at 3:46 "What are you plannin' on doin' it with this weekend - ERRRRR doin' with it this weekend?"

No, carmax is worse, selling vehicles the sales team knows nothing about, not telling you over the phone that the cars been repainted, has damage, or in one case on a car I was looking at, the entire roof liner, wheel, dash and seats had cigarette burns all in the car. At least with used cars at a manufact. dealership

Yup. All about context.


My next question would be: does Carmax run more or less than 0.6% of the nation's used car dealerships? That would tell us if they were over (or under) represented in the complaints department.

... okay then, you are deluded. Carry on.

yeah he must have missed the 3 when trying to hit the 1.

Hermann Göring might be a better person to talk to about Nuremburg. Nurburg, on the other hand, would conceivably rest under the GT-R's purview.

price of car shouldn't dictate the fact that it doesn't work. Lemons come in all shapes and sizes.

show me on the doll where the Porsche touched you

Check your facts before you make yourself look like an ass. If you did a little reading, or payed attention to the video, he wants full reimbursement or a new identical car. Porsche and Lemon Law are only offering him what the used value is. And, with that kind of attitude about certain types of drivers, I don't think