Actually, fuck reddit.
Actually, fuck reddit.
Does she, though? Celtic crosses are often represented with equal sides. In all honesty, it’s so badly done and has aged so poorly (and is not shown clearly enough in the photo), that it might have even started out as a four-leaf clover. Here’s a screen-shot, so there’s no need to click on the fucking Daily Mail link.…
40 years IS a long con, but Ronald knew what he was doing when he set this in motion
I’m just gonna come out and say it, Elizabeth Warren’s problem is having the audacity of being a woman. That’s it, that’s really it.
And because of this we should let Turkey attack the Kurds, the same people that bore the brunt of the fight against ISIS?
You can’t be the “beacon of the free world” and not defend freedom. This ‘world cop’ show is an integral part of so-called “American exceptionalism.” International respect has to be based on real action, and the US has been short on both of those quantities/qualities of late.
The Kurds are the most reliable group over there. They should have their own state and US support.
HAHAHAHAHA! If i tried that:
I like that he almost immediately follows it up with a "please stop writing this shit down in texts."
Oh really? Tell me where they’re are large groups of Trump supporters pulling vegetables and fruits off of trees and out the ground, and raising livestock? Most of what feeds this country comes from corporate farming, who overwhelmingly use minorities to harvest. So who exactly are you talking about? Kinda hard to…
Think about this:
If he gets voted out, there can be criminal proceedings then.
So secretive! It’s like a Klan gathering.
I don't know who is saying the former of those sentiments but they're wrong. They're always wrong. You can feel free to tell them they're wrong.
Get yourself an Instant Pot with the yogurt button. Get plain yogurt (regular or Greek) and a half-gallon of your preferred milk (1% for me) and 12 hours later, the best muthafuckin’ yogurt you’ve ever had. Cheap as hell too!
Meanwhile, people in Brazil (including El Presidente) are firmly denying the fact that the Amazon is on fire. There is no fire. We’ve always been at war with East Asia.
And from columnist David Von Drehle: Trump’s wall is child’s play compared to Bernie Sanders’s Climate Plan
I look forward to London being cheaper for the next 30 years.
Well, if it’s video of Epstein, Clinton, Dershowitz, and Trump getting pegged by underage Belgian transvestite dominatrices, you know the answer.