Tito Starmaster

wow the Sequels ruined an other thing

I think MOST people who aren’t Boomers still have strong reactions to face tattoos. 

Social media has given every narcissistic moron with access to a computer or a phone a megaphone, and we’re all dumber and worse off for it.

They should give him the money, then WB can sue him and take it for the shitty Jerod Leto knock off.  It’s a whole snake eating it’s tail thing.

Once again illustrating that Florida Man is a f***ing idiot. It’s called parody and satire, and they’re legally protected concepts. The fact that you’re a walking magnet for parody and satire of your stupidity is your own fault.

So you want money because they stole your likeness, the likeness you stole from a movie.... >.>

Killing people that don’t buy into his bullshit is very on-brand for Elmo.

And this stoplight isn’t needed because everybody stops here anyway.

What fucking rock did you crawl out from under? Just type in Telsa Employees into any search engine and look at recent stories.

This year, https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/09/28/tesla-federal-lawsuit-racial-harassment/. And let’s not forget,

It’s partially because of unions we don’t have the “Lords and peasants kind of thing,” you fucking dipshit.

Indeed, they always talk about Unions and the Mob. Of course on the other hand, corporate America does have a squeaky clean track record when it comes to unethical or downright criminal behavior.

Unions aren’t needed if companies already take good care of their employees, which Tesla does.”

Comments like this is what 40 years of Trickle Down Economics Propaganda has lead to. The idea that if we make the rich richer it’s better for everyone. It’s not the last 40 years has proven it time and time again. Time to go back to strong unions and high tax on the super rich

This is 100% wrong. Unions are needed because workers need to be looking out for themselves.

Taking good care? Who decides what is good care? Musk? In USA they have high injury rates, long hours, and below-industry pay in all Tesla US factories. Musk has been blocking all efforts of unionizing. I don’t think Muck takes good care of his workers.

Employees decide whether unions are needed or not. Which to be frank, in a capitalist system, they’re always needed. Because even if the company does take good care of its employee, the higher ups have the power to change that at any time.

unions are always needed because there is never an actual balance of power between the managers and the workers

who ungrayed this idiot?

I think there are six wrong things in this post, which might be a higher wrong per word average than even Elon can manage. Congrats dude.

“I just don’t like anything which creates a lords and peasants kind of thing.”