Tito Starmaster

I type fast and have played RPGs since 1989, so I’ll try and break it down a bit for you.

Here it is as basically as I can possibly explain (hold onto your shorts, friend):

DnD is a mechanical game system for TTRPG play. In 2000, the company that now owns the IP, WotC (Wizards of the Coast) issued an OPEN GAMING LICENSE (the OGL referenced here) which was a LEGAL DOCUMENT of rights which they provided so

This is the most short sighted and tone deaf response I’ve seen. I can only assume you have no functional knowledge of how IPs, and OGLs work, so I’ll give you the 30 second rundown.

Seriously... That movie was looking really good, and now I feel like it's gonna get bombed. I can't believe nobody in their company realized how terrible their timing is to screw over their fans...

I rarely like the wide look, but if it was actual well done body work, by a known (or famous) tuner... maybe? This looks like it was bolted on by child (who is 3), and done by ... some shop in CA, we think?

Pop rivetted fender flares is a look that needs to die.  Like yesterday.

Yeah, it’s definitely way more likely the driver slammed on brakes and changed lanes for no reason, than a computer beta that is well known to constantly do stuff like that. Put down the kool aid. 

i really wish somebody would murder them all.

Anyone who is on twitter is a twat. Get the fuck off twitter. 

Every billionaire is a policy failure in a country without universal healthcare.

oops some sort of ‘system error’ occurred, we wiped all the hard drives affected to ensure it doesn’t happen again

According to the earlier article linked up top, the police could not *and would not* make that determination, as Tesla would have that information.

It sounds like things are already going great for Woomer! After Santos appeared to flash a white power symbol on the House floor

Qanon warned us about the danger of groomers.

“Ingested while fucking dragon."

There was a time in my life I’d pregame some things, but a Broadway production of Death of a Salesman is definitely not one of those things

The law infringes on the freedom of speech of teachers and educators, clearly violating the 1st amendment.

Good one is... “went in for an oil change. Got oily change”.

Shut the fuck up walker, you piece of shit.

True, my ex employer screwed me out of several hundred dollars at the beginning of the pandemic and the complaint I filed with the DOL received the response several months later “sum too insubstantial for action”.