“And nothing of value was lost.”
“And nothing of value was lost.”
The first time I ever had chicken of any type, was in some random-ass town in southern Ohio/Indiana where they were test-marketing the McNugget by handing out samples in the restaurant lobby. My dad and I walk in, and while we’re waiting to order, some guy in a McDonald’s hat offers me a McNugget. Before my dad can…
If you pump gas into a gas can rather than into your car, you’ll quickly encounter that good old fashioned smell of gasoline.
Whatever the cost, it would be made up in a matter of months.
We don’t have to clamor to “cover those losses” since our politicians have passed legislation that wipes Big Oil’s ass at every turn.
When we moved into our “new” house, the previous owners had completely finished the basement - including plastering the ceiling. I planned to run ethernet at some point, but as a stopgap I bought a handful of Powerline Ethernet adapters, figuring I would poke holes in the ceiling that winter and run cable. That was 5…
“Worst Uber Driver, ever.”
While I will miss the experience of walking onto a dealer’s lot and being surrounded by a sea of (sorta) perfect machines, I certainly won’t miss scraping dealership flair off my car even AFTER I specifically told them to leave their stickers off.
Also, what the hell will become of the used car market if there aren’t…
Indiana is falling over themselves to put gun dealers along every major highway leading to/from Chicago; it’s the height of Hoosier Genius to “debunk” gun control and make a massive profit while they’re at it.
Really, to get you that physical media, it would make more sense to have small distribution centers across the country, perhaps one in every neighborhood.
Doesn’t matter, Netflix is about to become the Yahoo! of streaming services. Oh, it’ll sputter and clang along for years after this, but they’re already at the “punish the paying customers” phase of their journey to the rear of the pack. Perhaps Princess Leia said it best “The more you tighten your grip, the more…
It’s a Freedom Bro, so, probably not.
Until your kid is pasted by a drunk driver. Ah well, that’s what GoFundMe and thoughts & prayers are for, right?
Or, hit a bump and have the kid fly out the side window, only to be pinned underneath the car next to them and dragged for over a mile being ground and shredded before anyone noticed.
For crying out loud, people got bored seeing the SPACE SHUTTLE launch... there’s nothing they’ll find inspiring about pilots hopping from one prop plane to another.
Can these yachts somehow fit on the Chicago River? Maybe when Dave Matthews is in town?
In one of the angles, when the car is coming to a stop, if you look to the right, there’s a guy(?) crawling from the area where the trash cans were. Not sure if he was a spectator down range and incredibly lucky, or if he’s “hand-out-the-window” guy and incredibly lucky.
“They” didn’t choose it. Fascists and their downstream sympathizers came up with that term to describe anyone who made it difficult to just be fascists.
It’s almost as if the last 40+ years haven’t been filled to the brim with example after example that fourth generation warfare favors the home team.
Surely you’ve heard of civil forfeiture before? If not, welcome to America.