Tito Starmaster

It’s not pretzel logic. Throw out all their stats after they did steroids, and they still had better careers - in advanced metrics, in traditional stats, in awards and accomplishments - than all but a select few players to have ever played the game.

I know you can’t compare eras yadda yadda, but I am pretty sure Dave Stieb would have struck out 400 batters had he pitched in 2018.  Stieb’s slider was absolutely ridiculous.  

Except both Bonds and Clemens had HoF-level careers before they ever did steroids.  

Just look at Clemens’ WAR through 1996 - 81.0, which would have ranked 26th amongst pitchers all time.  With the exception of Clemens and Mike Mussina, every pitcher with a career WAR of 81 or over is in the HoF (and Mike Mussina should be in there, too).  

I’m of the opinion that both Bonds and Clemens should be in the HoF based on their ‘obvious’ pre-PED seasons, considered apart from their post-PED seasons. Clemens career WAR through his age-33 season is 81, which would rank him 26th among pitchers all-time. Bonds’ career WAR through his age-33 season was 99.9, which

I was pissed when I found out St. Louis got ‘gifted’ another upgrade, but seeing as how it gets Weaver out of the division, I’m not as upset as I was at first. That dude is for real, and if Goldshmidt doesn’t put up Goldschmidtian numbers, we could be talking about how Arizona fleeced St. Louis here.

So what does insurance cover? Hospital costs I assume, but what about seeing your GP or something? Do people generally know what an employer’s benefits are like before they’re employed?

Plus, it pays to believe what your customers believe.  

A remarkably paltry sum of hush money, given the stakes.

I don’t know about you, but I like having several client apps all updating at the same time, and giving several companies my payment info. The more the merrier! I especially like that - at least at this point - not one of them is objectively better than Steam, and am looking forward to installing as many as I can

When I worked for the Salvation Army, a lot of the people they hired to do floor work had serious criminal records, up to and including murder.  Second chances and all that.  What they would NOT hire was a thief.

Yeah, but Marvin Lewis doesn’t have an Aaron Rodgers. He’s got Ginger Rodgers.

Then the Packers went on to lose at home to the Cardinals, and I was like, that’s not so bad.  Then they fired Mike McCarthy and now the Bears’ season is ruined.  Ruined.

Adrian Peterson was radioactive for about 20 minutes.  Reuben Foster, even less.  Pay attention.

What sucks is she doesn’t even have a cool surname to gain entry onto a future “Worst name of the year” contest.  All of the shame and humiliation with none of the glory.

Exxxactly. Nevermind you set your kid up for a childhood full of cruel assholes making fun of her name, and set her up so that her first conversation with every person she meets is scripted for the rest of her life, but you also diminish any chance she has of rising past the trailer-park mentality that breeds this

My Grandmother wanted to name my Mom ‘Candy’ but the hospital refused to put “a nickname” on the birth certificate.  

Forget ‘embarrassing’ - if I see a resume come in with the first name filled out as Abcde, I am going to assume some idiot c/p’d their resume and forgot to fill in their own name.  Round file, gone.

While I agree with your assessment of the spot, I was thinking more how ridiculous it is that they used every bit of technology at their disposal to get the spot ‘right’ but acted like they were completely powerless to do anything about the spear on the previous play.  In a way, the back-to-back plays illustrate how

Guy gets his head knocked off, they miss it. Next play, guy recovers a punt inside the 1 with his pinky on the goal line and STOP EVERYTHING, WE MUST GET THIS RIGHT!