Tito Starmaster

Finally: news I can understand.

I’m usually more forgiving of kickers (it’s not an easy job, even given perfect conditions) but this noodlefoot robbed America of a 2-3 Patriots team, so, off to hell with him.

It’s early, but so far I am liking this new “Every Other Game Features a Hat Trick” version of the NHL.

I have to imagine it would take more than 5000 NRA bucks for me to sell my soul like Thune did. 

What people don’t remember, or choose not to remember, is that Reagan’s presidency was batshit insane and just as terrible as the Trump regime. Reagan was every bit the traitor and coward that Trump is, and you know how Republicans view that asshole. Anyone thinking the right will wise up to this clown is living in a

I might buy this book based solely on that description of lifelong Cub fandom.

And don’t be too down on your Pale Hose; they’re about to be insane good.

He was like Jay Cutler, except he could actually do something every now and then.

Maybe? Probably not? The first 90MPH or so is strength, the rest is mechanics; once you get mechanics down, to get a called strike you need to have control. That’s asking a lot of a person, even as great an athlete as LeBron James.

Fact: In the Marine Corps, we used to get shitass drunk the night before a hump (not sexual, a hump is a term of endearment for a pointless forced-march in full gear over long distances and rugged terrain). If you fell out, you couldn’t hack and were subject to crude derision. Many’s the time where the only survivors

Not to be a Cutler apologist, but maybe he thought the Wildcat was just another version of the Statue of Liberty?

True, but the Redskins have won 4 straight Monday Night games if there’s an interim Secretary of House and Human Services.

“There goes NASA again, pointing their equipment in the wrong direction. Cut their budget!”

Yeah, I remember when he kidnapped those poor girls and put them on his reality show. Every time they tried to escape, the producers of the show kept pushing them back into the pool. It was sickening.

Or Paris (Texas).

Fact: I have never seen a Corvette go over the speed limit. Ever! You’d think they were made of glass or something.

This. As sick as I am of the people who would step over a homeless veteran to slap a “Support the Troops” magnet on their car, I’m near-equally exhausted by those what think members of the military are mindless thralls deserving of their scorn.

You can be intelligent and morally repugnant. “Banality of evil” and all that.

And get Mexico to pay for it.

I can assure you that no matter what happens in the next 25 years, Bears fans will still be hanging onto 1985 for dear life.

That’s perfect, thanks for the info!