Titanium Firefly

I swear, this man makes about as much sense as the woman filmed wearing two different shoes while walking a frozen chicken to a bus stop...

The fact that this debacle took place in Florida already tells me everything I need to know...

...out of the frying pan, into the fire, eh?

Update: V-6 with AWD but 500 lbs lost? No thank you...

Jalopnik Report: NEWSFLASH! Chrysler wants to take an unbelievably heavy car with a V-6 and make it even heavier with an AWD system (as if it wasn’t enough of a pig)

Jalopnik Update: Nevermind...no AWD, but it’s still overweight...

This video was REALLY informative and yes, even on camera, you could see the slight edge-out of beam throw from the HP Halogens. Excellent review!

...sweet baby Jesus...

As a Louisianian, I concur with the aforementioned Texan...

Who are any of us to decide the proper means of how someone should protest? This from a country that at one time protested school desegregation by violently physically attacking people who wanted to simply attain an education. It may not be the way YOU would have done it, but that doesn’t make it less right or less

I’m getting wheelie tired of this shit...

ummm...bruh? We’d like a word with you...

“In typical GM concept car fashion (see also any number of really great looking Buicks that never got made) Cadillac won’t commit to building the Escala sedan concept, but its head honcho did elaborate on how it could translate to the rest of the line.”

...I wasn’t talking about Chrysler nor Ford, nor build location. Just making a general comment about badge engineering...
...so what was YOUR point?

Well, I just figured we’re speaking of a GM product and Americana in general and I thought it was interesting that someone posted two photos of Holdens, that’s all...and “derived” from Australia? If by derive you mean putting the steering wheel on the other side and changing a badge, then yeah...

...well that escal8ed quickly...

You DO realize the second and third ones aren’t American, right?

...wear insulated gloves...

#COTD...or month...or year...