
I’m 5 foot 9 1/2 inches, and I either say exactly what Charlize said there, or I round up my height to 5'10". I do that because if I say I’m 5'9" everyone says “omg, you’re NOT, you’re so much taller than that” and if I say my exact height I sound like an anal-retentive lunatic and also everyone still says “omg,

Not to be a royals nerd, but that Prince Harry item makes me kind of sad. Like, his dead mother’s former security guard who’s known him since he was a little boy opens a couples of pubs in London. Harry, being basically one of the most famous people in the country, goes to one of of the few “normal” bars in which he

Fuck every one of you short motherfuckers whose normal-size umbrellas poke me in the fucking eye every time you pass by me, secure under your miniature shields. A raincoat would protect me from the rain, but not from the army of midgets (read: everyone shorter than me) determined to decorate their brollies with my

It all makes sense when you see this:

Can I just pipe in here as the daughter of a mother who kept her name? She’s my MOTHER, for god’s sake. I think it’s impossible as a non-parent to understand what that connection is like until you’ve created it for yourself, and I’m not a mom yet either, but come on—think about your mom, since it seems like you’re

That’s an extremely reductive way of looking at the several decades a woman has spent living, working, and creating an identity under a name that came partially from her father’s family (since presumably her mother had a hand in choosing her first name) but in its entirety is hers. I have no patience for it as an

Best moment of the entire night. I was squeeing so hard at him I completely missed the joke and had to go back and rewind when I saw my Twitter feed blow up.

The record-setting sales in our troop (and for our region) during the pre-Internet days came from a girl whose father was the managing partner at a major NYC law firm. His secretary was responsible for managing the hordes of associates who’d stop by his desk and fill out order form after xeroxed order form, spending

“Accused Fake Teen Doctor” is my band name and none of you can have it, unless you want to be in the band.

Um, no, idiot. Not because he’s a man, because he’s the person who the incident happened to, and the story he’s telling matches the story she’s telling. She has no knowledge of it other than what he told her. If the genders were reversed, I would have said “she,” but they’re not. Chill out, little MRA, keep your pants

In that case, depending on the job you’re applying for, you may want to emphasize your ability to communicate, especially with non-technical staff. Think of situations where you were involved with an organization or during an internship where a miscommunication occurred, even a simple one that didn’t result in major

I think the obvious Step 1 here is “Prepare a failure anecdote in advance.” It’s not the most common question phrased as such, but the same story will work for other common variants like “Tell me about a challenge you overcame at your last job” or “What is your greatest weakness as an employee?” so it’s worth giving

I’m just like, “let she who has never done something potentially humiliating in the service of getting laid cast the first stone.”

I mean, I get that? It’s testing the waters, like if the person writes back right away and is like “WTF??” you can go “Omg I’m so sorry I’m so embarassed OMG!!!!” but if they’re interested, then they’d know that you were interested, and you can revisit it at a later date. That’s why in the blog post she notes that

Not to be THAT internet commenter, but my partner is old friends with Kyle Martino from their soccer days, and has been ribbing him about it all day since he saw the NYPost story. Kyle maintains that it is true. Of course it’s possible there’s something HE’S hiding from everyone, but I mean...he’s also really fucking

Right? Every description I read of this just makes so much sense with her image. She’s the ultimate good girl—you wouldn’t grab Rihanna’s ass at a photo op, because Rihanna would turn around and claw your eyes out while the cameras flashed. But Taylor would stand politely and be a total pro, and then deal with it

Arguably, equally scary is the line “Karen Clendenin, 58, a victims advocate in the local district attorney’s office, said she was very impressed...” Picture the Trump-supporting victims advocate the next time you wonder how it’s possible that so many people get steamrolled by our legal system. The mind boggles.

I want to go by her house on Halloween SO bad.

Right? Like really anywhere between 65 and 85, I have no idea.

I think she’s still basically undecided—most likely going to vote for Hillary, as that’s certainly the bigger milestone in her eyes. But she’s just kind of watching the Republican freakshow with horror and not even paying much attention to the Dems. I feel the same way, tbh. My vote will almost certainly go to whoever