
Very very true. I hadn’t really given Bernie’s Jewishness a second thought, because he IS my grandparents—although they’re Bronx, not Brooklyn-born—and their contemporaries: Socialist/secular humanists whose main identification with their religion is solidarity with the oppressed. My grandmother called me, weeping,

I live in the West Village and walk to work in Union Square up 5th Ave, and I had a really painful recurring dream for like 6 months that a relative I never knew I had died and bequeathed me one of the corner units with the big bay windows at 43 5th Ave. Now I just walk by during the day and consciously wonder who I

Turn up the Rihanna like 50% and you’re there.


Similarly, the option for non-monogamy is a trendy, but ridiculous addition. It takes a HUGE amount of honesty, care, and consideration to manage a open relationship and all the feelings that come with it. I’ve been in several, and I would NEVER enter into one with someone who had just cheated on me, because that

Hah, well, I think it’s not uncommon that public prosecutors (and presumably defenders) tend to pick up multiple cases that are of a particular type, simply because they tend to be similar. It’s not like, something she studied in law school. But yes, it’s a very real problem of which most people remain blissfully

I mean, if you consider that their proposal in 2009 came with a specific directive to clean up 80% of the mess, and that at this time there are visible piles of human shit and dead animals and debris floating across the courses, I would say it has probably gotten much worse?

I mean, I don’t know how much agency any one individual athlete has in this case to take the IOC to task. I guess if EVERY water-based athlete refused to compete, it might force them to come up with another plan, but I don’t think labor organizing is a strong point for most of these people.

It wasn’t the only thing she did, but yes, it’s a thing. The cases tend to fall in to two main categories: immigrants and fraud.

I mean, short of ALL the athletes in a sport boycotting, what can they really do that would send any kind of message the IOC cares about?

I have a friend who’ll be sailing in 2016, and he’s absolutely terrified. The few who have already sailed in the marina came back with horrible skin infections, stomach flus, etc. I believe one of the sailors who was at the test event said this, but their strategy is basically to leave as late as they can for Rio and

I know we’re not supposed to even entertain this point, but what final exams does one give an 8 year old to prove they’re prepared for a career in literally ANYTHING? This kind of hubris is so alarming. I hope this kid gets put in the supervised environment he, and society at large, so desperately needs. My mom

Oh, I mean, totally. I have a larger and more fundamental issue with the rich young techies and bankers of this city who seem to feel that living everywhere should be just as convenient as living in the suburbs, and they should never have to leave their bubble or interact with anyone or eat anything that hasn’t been

The article does stipulate that if you sign a 12-month lease a single bedroom is $1800/month, which is actually not bad for nice bedroom in a brand-new building in an apartment that has free laundry, free wifi, free household items, outdoor space, etc. The $2,250/month rate is for month-to-month, which would cover

Nope, nope, I get it. I am wrong. The fact that we are already funding an Office of Mental Health and an Office of Substance Abuse Services with our tax dollars is irrelevant to the fact that the first lady has designed a better program that will also be funded with our tax dollars. Why would we fix our government

Because people who are hired for salaried positions are answerable to the taxpayers for their actions. People who are not, are not. If the citizens of New York City don’t want Chirlane McCray in charge of something, what recourse would we have? What public outcry could separate a wife from her husband? I feel like the

I mean, it was Valentine’s Day. Why would I watch some coked-up actor pretend-fuck a fake groupie when I could spend the night actually fucking my own personal groupie? Also, totally going to call him my groupie from now on, will let you all know how that goes.

Pretty much exactly what I said, so yes, we agree. But I’d rather have voted for Chirlane than to have to trust that my hapless elected officials have married highly competent women who are then given real work to do.

Not what I said, in either case.

I think it is fundamentally different. Maybe not for chief of staff, which is both a personal and political role, but even a sinecure comes with a salary. I wouldn’t expect a spouse not to advise and consult, but allowing those issues to be silo’d in that way really bothers me.