titan arum

Don't Chu, forget about me … actually, please do.

Don't say things like that! You're only encouraging them!

Transformers: The Movie is ruined by the ever-changing size of Unicron from scene to scene.

I suppose, if we calculated the combined weight of plastic that went into making the toys for each franchise.

Chanel No.5 and a scowl.

Two animals go in. One animal comes out. Then the other animal comes out having been declared the winner.

The cat has seniority, he stays. Also dogs are just the stupidest.

But if you can make huge bucks with drek, why go to the effort of finding actual talent?

What was bigger, Transformers, Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles, or Ghostbusters?


I never saw Robotix, or any toys from it (if any ever existed), but there was a trailer for it on the VHS of Megatron's Master Plan, and it looked awesome.

But that would make it the aberration out of the three franchises.

Optimus Prime (Original Flavour, of course) will just come along and squish them all!

But if you keep this one sealed in it's packaging, by then it'll be worth it's weight in gold!

Our children's children will wondering the same thing, whilst lining up to see the reboot of the reboot of the reboot of Iron Man.

I don't remember it! And I'm not watching it again. I'm one of those freaks who thinks 2 is better.

I can get you a wheelbarrow full of tacos by two o'clock. There are ways.

I'm a stinky flower!

I stopped buying DVDs and the like years ago. Has there really been any special features that are truly worth buying them for?

At least they didn't base this one on a suitcase design they didn't get permission to use.