titan arum

Sexy Female Superhero!

She looks perfect!

This finally opened in my local cinema and I just got back from seeing it. Very depressing, really; beautiful, but so, so depressing.

Mark and Jez in Peeo Show.

Are you Willa Holland?

Well, I was only joking in my posts yesterday, but if you're that pessimistic about watching a sport then why bother? You should lower your expectations. My (British) football team will never won the top league, never will; and it hasn't won a cup competition in 55 years, and probably won't in my lifetime. I've seen

They haven't won a single game in 107 years?

Your relentless positivity in threads has been a delight this morning.

Fuckin' hell, I just can't win with you people, can I? First I'm too negative, now my positivity is taken as horrible and fake.

You really should give it more of a chance. It might grow on you!

Awards Season is my favourite season, right behind Summer. And Gotham is the home of Batman! This is all fantastic!

Gimmick accounts are very much the lifeblood of this community, and I think they should be treasured!

He is right. Those who watched it and enjoyed it deserved to keep watching it and enjoying it. I didn't watch it, but the comic it was based on was excellent.

And it was the most wonderful forty-five seconds of my life!

Both are good!

I don't think I've gone too far enough!

Turn that frown upside down!

You shouldn't be so down on Adam Levine and Maroon 5. I've never heard either of them but I'll bet they have many, many fans and they are all probably very nice people.

Ghosts are fantastic because, if they are real, it proves there's an afterlife. And if they're not real, it's a good excuse for some scares and laughs at this time of year.

Daughters are great because they're ensuring your genes survive into the future. Motorboats are pretty cool too.