titan arum

Well, hooray.

Is that what I was doing? Thanks for letting me know.

Hey! Not this weekend but I did watch it in the week. It's a great film to watch while drunk.

The Chinese: A great bunch of lads.

Sean Connery's magic penis.

Yep, that's whatever it is you're talking about for you.

Bragging isn't big or clever.

Hey, I think I last had sex in a 9 year (I try not to hold onto specifics)! Maybe you had sex with me!

If I hadn't watched, and fallen in love with, Blade Runner when I was young, and I came to it now, I'd probably dislike it. The plot is as dumb as Prometheus, and I don't forgive that film just because it's beautifully shot.

Yeah, I guess so. But her character has to remain ignorant so the audience does too. It has to take her and us a good while to realise she's only there for a sheen of legitimacy; that this isn't her film, it's about Del Toro's character.

On Friday I caught Sicario, which was finally showing in my local cinema. I went in expecting a completely different film, and I think the awful tension which is present throughout it really wore me down.

Did you? Sorry, missed that.

Of course it was.

Well, I don't know how far back in history you're thinking, but Thomas Jefferson for one wasn't a huge fan - "Banking institutions are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies."

The A.V. Club
Why always with the killing?

Aren't cautionary tales meant to deter people from doing something?

Yes! Go back and kill the bankers. Although there will just be more greed-heads to replace them.

Or, make sure the Allies actually get to Berlin and defeat the Germans, not having the armistice signed in a train car somewhere else. And of course, not impose the ridiculous reparations on Germany either.

Damn JFK and his over-generous grants to the Earthquake Generator industry.

Go get hit by a bus.