titan arum

Great kid. Don't get cocky.

Like an ugly girl doing handstands, we in the UK are desperate for attention.

Fresh mozzarella cheese? From that one cow?

Let me tell you something, pal. You ain't leading but two things right now: Jack, and shit. And Jack left town.

With hashtags.

Obviously you've never watched Alien II: Contamination.


Honey, you got real ugly.


wtf is silly meme lol

Evil Deaderer

Well hello Mister Fancypants.

They were pretty big into slavery, so I think it's pretty likely they were cool on the whole rape thing too. Once you're into the kidnapping people area you might as well go full crazy.

The man in the black pyjamas.

It's a Big Lebowski quote. Y'know, like an Irish monk.

You make an interesting point.

Throw some Kahlua in there and we've got ourselves a party.

Just go for AHAHAHAH! ?

Wouldn't you describe university teams as amateur? The players are all students, right? And then there's a draft, where the players who are likely to make it go straight to the professional teams and professional money. I guess the ones who aren't good enough go get regular jobs.

I'm sorry, the correct answer was, "shut the fuck up, titan arum." You will not be able to enter the next round of the Power Draw, I'm afraid.