titan arum

Who made that? Kenner?

It was so traumatic they had to add a line on at the end (in the UK at least, I'm not sure about elsewhere) saying "Optimus Prime will return!"

No, when you press X you get to shoot him so hard he turns to glass and shatters. You will never be that powerful again.

No one would follow an uncharismatic bore like you!

Ugh, the shitty second wave of combiners. I received Menasor as a Christmas gift as a kid; so, so disappointing.

Wait! The Constructicons form Devastator, the most powerful robot! We should rule!

Buy me a copy too. And a pS4. And pre-order me a copy of Fallout 4. Thanks!

Devastator is far too large in comparison to Prime; I don't think this game is realistic enough for me.

I think, at some point, No Man's Sky will be announced as having been cancelled, and it will go down in legend as the largest cock-tease in history.

New music by Vince DiCola? I'll take the soundtrack on hipster vinyl, please.

"Look at that bow-legged motherfucker. I made him walk like that."

You're thinking of Kinky & Sons Handy Wares Store. It's a confusion which has led to several embarrassing mistakes over the years.


It's a lot easier if you're terrible at remembering names.

I thought we were in for some hot oral sex queries.

Shocked you didn't go for, “size matters not”. I admire your restraint.

Tiny slacker? How do you know how small it is?

I've got balls the size of watermelons, I'm tellin' you, man.

Yeah, yelling down the corridor, "HEY THOMAS, COME TAKE A LOOK AT THIS, I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL"

Yes, that's an excellent example of a fack spasm, Carole. Thanks for sharing.