titan arum

If there was an actual credible competition on television, surely WWE would fall on it's backside?

Does Bray Wyatt ever win?

Was this the first RAW that Vince was micromanaging (as if he doesn't micromanage everything anyway)? Hopefully continuing declining ratings will encourage him to try something new for a change.

Would it not make sense for Becky Lynch to return for the NXT UK tour? Bit of a homecoming for her, and she's doing fuck-all on the main roster.

Well, your mom is pretty loud.

Judy Greer can also hear diagetic music, which makes her so much more awesome.

That's a gutsy idea. You're a shark.

I'm back, bish! Back in the closet you go.

I don't need to watch any more Doctor Who. Capaldi embarrassing himself riding a tank playing guitar is quite enough for me, thanks.

That's right. Whenever I hear someone go one about how good Doctor Who is, I know I'm pretty safe in writing them off.


Or maybe she was a lawyer, or a financial whiz.

There's still some light coming in from under the door!

Say hello to these, ElDan!

Indie twinkfests being an entirely different matter, of course.

Let's all go! See ya later, suckers!

They tried, but once he found out he wasn't going over he walked out.

" …whose image can be found on the back page of this newspaper." Brilliant.

Nothing like looking up "banned American Apparel ads" to make you feel unclean.

I think most people around here are pretty big fans of gender, even though their later work never really reached the heights of their early releases.