titan arum

"Mister Worf — Fire."

The motto of the U.S.A. if Trump gets elected.

Question away. You Doctor Who fans are so defensive!

Yes, well, Baker's choice of black velvet was pretty snazzy, but I like the clash between the tasteless, garish outfit and the Doctor's darker personality.

Oh, Christ.

How's Delta City coming along?

Greatest cliffhanger of all time.

Just don't make a clock.

I was reading reviews about how the book had been adapted for the screen - but I thought the book was basically written as a screenplay in the first place! It got pretty tiresome to me, and I have no interest to see it as a film, despite all these glowing reviews.

I don't know what my frie … my acquaintance has done to upset you, but it's nothing to do with me …

I was supposed to meet people for the Friday thing, but it was too much.

So they're extra spooky!

There's an apple tree just around the corner from me, but considering it's on a busy road opposite a scrap metal yard and a coffee roasting factory, I imagine the fruit would taste bitter as all hell.

Are you banned from watching horror movies outside this month?

Is the Jake the Snake doc really grim?

I had a ticket to an art exhibition opening with the artist on Friday, and a ticket to see Doug Stanhope on Saturday, but anxiety pretty much destroyed my ability to leave the house. I hate making plans and then having to abandon them, makes me feel even worse, never mind the wasted money.

Four beds and four breakfastesses!

Depressed, struggled to get anything done, unable to leave couch today - tomorrow maybe. I don't know. Spent most of my time awake making Spotify playlists.

Man On Wire haz, uh, 'ow you say, un Joseph Gordon-Levitt making ze outrageous Frunch accent vere ees fazzer smelt eouf elderberries?

Does anyone actually like Cyborg as a character? Does he even have a character?