titan arum

Yes, and everyone fixates on "did X kill Y", when the real discussion should be the terrible flaws in the adversarial American court system! Seriously guys, it is fucked up.

The forest is inside the house!

I couldn't see the forest warning sign for the trees warning sign!

Heh. Rod.

And here was me thinking that the "wood" part of my comment would inspire some innuendo.

I do actually like that one, it would have been a hell of a way to end the film. I wish it had been filmed just to see such a downer of an ending.

I don't know if it was actually planned or just a rumour, but I love the idea of the Joker being the only inmate of Arkham asylum, getting moved from room to room every night because he's so dangerous.

Hey! She's just asking questions! Did a man walk on the moon? Did he? DID HE???

I'd still have Bane, but portray him as he was in the comics. It would have to be over two films. He'd break the Bat and take over the city, with Batman returning in the second part to save Gotham. Take out the League of Shadows and the mobile bomb and the parts cribbed from The Dark Knight comic. Leave in Catwoman

She sounds like she might dig the Expanding Earth insanity too.

But he was a two-pump chump!

It's really not so bad to get worked up over!

Friendzoning Bane was an even more egregious offence.

I stole my magical sword from the Jezebel Wights.

Can you give me the gist? I can't be bothered googling.

2007 was a dark, mysterious time full of CGI wonders.

It's more of a hate-fuck in my case.

Yeah, I always liked it too, at least the first half as I recall. It's been a while. I liked the dragon being a long line of the eaters of the dead (the film's original title) carrying torches. Wasn't Schwarzenegger supposed to cameo in it?

I am George's cholesterol-clogged arteries.

So she awoke something dark in the woods, something evil - which then came after her, got into her hand and turned it bad?