titan arum

The little pizza protector you get in takeaway boxes.

Your monthly reviews must be exhausting.

The first being a three-legged stool.

Yes, but the interviews are draining.

"Genital-to-genital touching". No, no, doesn't ring a bell, I'm afraid.

What's interesting is that the idea of Fifield being folded up like a concertina, before raising himself up to attack the others, was an idea meant for the original Alien.

Leave her alone, I saw her first!

Surprisingly not as stinky as you'd think.

Pilots have always been screwing people in uncomfortable places. I mean, have you ever been inside a cockpit?

Personally, I thought that the ultimate answers to the biggest questions were essentially stupid as all hell. That's why I would have been happy for it to end after five seasons, and I can just pretend that the Smoke Monster was some kind of security system built by Dharma. Possibly using nanobots.

He does not speak good like we do.

I always get him mixed up with The Lindbergh Baby, lead singer of Damon.

"There’s been a lot of fan discussion about the magazine."

It was bollocksed up from the very beginning, when Fox commissioned a film based on the vague ideas the writer had in fifteen minutes when asked, during an unrelated meeting, to spitball a plot.

Sabrina, will you go out with me?

Is Damon Lindelof Hitler? That's the mystery! And we'll never tell you the answer!

Well, let's start our own thread! Anyone want to talk about their asshole related sex stuff? Rimming? Pegging? A finger of fun?

And Fry! And Fry!

I could see there being a market for that.

I have chosen to forget the exact year in which I last had sex, to avoid getting too depressed about it. It's still under ten years, hooray for me.