titan arum

You wouldn't be surprised if Paige and the others actively desired to return to NXT, where the division is treated with respect and a women's match is headlining the next Takeover.

And I've got something in my pocket for smart-arse replies like yours. Let me just pull it out.

Citations needed please.

Well, it's good to know you're going to go into it with an open mind.

So you're telling me that there weren't a lot of people saying that season 2 would be bad based on the casting, the trailers, the first episode, in other words making up their minds without even giving it a chance? Okay then.

In the original cut there's no information about Ripley's daughter.

Boak …

You just have to accept it was "magic", as you have to do with the rest of the plot. That line was the writer telling you to sit down, shut up, and not think about what you're watching.

Because he's a racist and thinks even mass-murdering Time Lords are more important than humans?

Well, he was a Mississippi man.

I'm digging your brand of barely coherent insanity and would like to subscribe to your weekly smoke signals.

Well, not literally.


All of them! We've got to protect our phoney baloney jobs, gentlemen!

Aw, you're going for patronising! That's awesome.

Whatever. If you didn't think his performance made absolute sense over the whole season then fair enough. My point still stands; a lot of people went into that series hard-wired to dislike it.

Oh wow, my first even spambot reply! Thanks Google Net Jobs::!

Come on guys, this was such an enormous slice of of ham with extra cheese.

In addition to all the other things Forrest has done/has been done to him, he's also suffered terrible frostbite and possibly killed a child - just going by the opening sequence …

Was she firing into the crowd with a shotgun loaded with rubber pellets?