titan arum


Lots of people really misunderstanding what she's actually saying here.

Uh uuh.


I'm totally into this thing called television. It's basically radio accompanied by a series of still frames projected very quickly onto a screen. You probably haven't heard of it.

Ugh, listening to her on Undisclosed brought all the horrible memories back. If I were on any jury listening to her screechingly defend her clients I'd vote guilty just out of spite.

Give the Governor a harrumph!

This is going to have a "True Detective Season 2" vibe all over it - people complaining from the very beginning it's not as good just for the sake of it.

You could just generate all your energy through photosynthesis, and run around in a weenie bikini like Quiet in MGSV.

That song wasn't as safe as they claimed.

Blank? BLANK?!? You're not looking at the BIG PICTURE!

It's also a really shitty(!) way of cleaning yourself. Bidets should be mandatory.

Women superheroes: defined entirely by sex.

Damn son …

Is that a major plot point of the comic book?

I think the remote sentry sequence is absolutely necessary to the film, and you get other great bits, usually more for Hudson to do. I think learning Ripley's daughter is dead is really important too.

It's almost as if Netflix gets off on being withholding.

Greetings from the future! One day, they will make a great Daredevil TV series! And man will play golf on Mars!

Greetings from the future! One day, they will make a great Daredevil TV series! And man will play golf on Mars!

Oh, no - if it's the one where absolutely terrible comic-book style freeze-frame cuts are inserted into it, with little caption boxes and everything. I watched it once and returned it.