titan arum

checks youtube

All right now, for all you boppers out there in the big city, all you street people with an ear for the action, I've been asked to relay a request from the Gramercy Riffs. It's a special for the Warriors. That's that real live bunch from Coney? And I do mean the Warriors. Here's a hit with them in mind …

How did Ian survive being fatally shot by Sharon? Or is this some Secret Wars shenanigans so he'll be magically alive when the Big Reset button is pressed?

I'd love to rock one of the vests, but I feel you have to be in damn good shape to have the balls to do so.

Hmm. They're a bit taupe for my tastes, but thanks for the suggestion.

He does have hair growing in strange places.

Aw man, was it good? I'd love to visit Coney Island, and take that ride. But I live three thousand miles away and haven't been to New York since '99.

Tell your cats I hate them.


Hmm, pre-order the vinyl version to sell for a ridiculously over-inflated price on ebay in six months time?

Never, because dogs are the stupidest fucking creatures on the planet.

Such a great thing to wake up to!

Close your eyes and meow to fluff.

"Wait … we're left with the FUCKING SON?!"

Girls go wild for BILLY EVERYTEEN

Nerdy Peter Kong is mauled by a radioactive gorilla?

Name recognition. That's ALL you need. The entire film slate for the next three years* is basically, "HEY! Remember THIS?"

Talentless people making talentless films is one thing. Talented people spending millions of dollars to make utter garbage is another.

You've been listening to the smooth jazz sounds of Manos: The Hands Of Fate.

Haha, what a story, Joseph Finn!