titan arum

The 90's were the embodiment of the blurst of times.

*slams ladder against teenage girl's bedroom window*

Quit splurting all over the place!

Haha! What a story, Dik!

Bones, or clams, or whatever you want to call them, yes.

You'd probably get some good scratch for them on ebay.

*goes to upvote, gives up halfway through*

"Can you name the primary and secondary colours? Here, have some candy!"

Too sexy!

You obviously don't hang around children enough.

goes off to google Masterpiece Power Rangers

It's like Ghostbusters Ectoplasm: will stain your carpets.

Has there been a resurgence of Power Rangers due to nostalgia, yet? Like, high-end remake toys and such?

It does, but I cleaned it all up, I promise. The smell should fade in a few days.

Of course they can't vote. Their breasts get in the way!

Don't "Bogart" the "joint", dude! I think I'm getting the famous "munchies"!

That's some smooth-tasting Virginian shag, right there.

Where can I download that? I ask because a friend of mine …

"But Bender, why wouldst thou sell your own body?"

I suppose that was what the cut to black at the end of every episode really was.