titan arum

I thought maybe Jon Hamm was going to give us live dating tips.

See, Osborne's in there too. Cameron is really just a rich bastard who being Prime Minister because he can. He doesn't give a toss, he just enjoys practising his public-school bullying techniques at PMQs every week; besides which, he's practically on permanent holiday.

Well, I think it's so bad it's actively put me off supporting the team I've loved for twenty years. That everyone seems to think it's the bee's knees has made me question what the hell I'm doing possessing eyes.

That's a terrible thing to say about Edwina Currie.

"Let me shove a witty enjoinder up your arse with a lubricated horse cock!"

It's better than Piggate. Watergate was like seventy years ago, guys! And didn't even happen in Britain!

I'll go get the papers, get the papers.

Frozen? That doesn't sound fun for anybody!

Yeah, that's true. The poor fools.

Seriously, the only thing I hate more than Iain Duncan Smith is the Partick Thistle mascot.

Well, they're part of the fucking landed class and will never have to work a real job, and most likely will study PPE at Oxford and join the Bullingdon club themselves. Then they'll become SPADs and be parachuted into safe parliamentary seats, or they'll just fuck off to the City and add more piles of money to their

Oh, you just know they're all slapping each others backs and yukking it up at it all.

And then you remembered we've collectively voted the pig-fucker into power twice now.

Rich people who enjoy pissing on the poor.

What's the one all the Bushes are in? Skull And Bones? I take it Jeb! is a member too.

I was going by their official website, which only states the 18th; apparently their twitter account confirmed the 17th. Still, one day - big whoop. I have to wait three months for Black Mass!

Are all your replies three days late and stupid?

David Cameron's been sticking his dick in the entirety of the population for quite some time now, the Bullingdon wanker.

DC - "Will it cost us money, now matter how little, either now or in the future? Well, fuck no, then."

Thirteen years since the film came out, eh? Lot of water under the bridge!