titan arum

Well, women must be judged entirely on her appearance, so that's why Anna Gunn deserved all that disapprobation.

Isn't it the 18th everywhere?

Stoking adolescent masturbatory fantasies being in the job description for state teaches in the UK.

Pro tip: Purchase a sonic screwdriver.

I would be if I was in America.

But the direct comparison to the 70's era really does not do the current show any favours, and they should avoid doing so if they're not going to try to improve the quality of the modern series.

Yes, bigger does not mean better. In fact, the more you go big, the less significant it becomes.

Don't bring up "Genesis Of The Daleks". Now I'd just prefer to watch that instead - same theme, done infinitely better.

I'd go for the hashish.

And the inevitable sequel, River Deep.

Obviously the ice had decided the time for rational debate was over.

Tina you fat lard!

Step 2 is tits.

Her telescopic vision is pink too, because obviously.

Would you like to plead for mercy? It sometimes helps, but not often.

FUCK CHINA, basically.

Now to offer them an Energon-goodie.

More than you can imagine, Optimus Prime!

When I say "writers", I mean "cocaine and crayons".

Big Pussy's in it too!