titan arum

Eh. They've already done the whole "Someone who isn't Thor can pick up Mjolnir". I think it wouldn't have much impact anymore, really.

Well, I certainly can't argue with your logic. Ant-Man: the Masterpiece.

This Golden Age of Hollywood you're thinking of and wish to have a revival of: it never existed.

Those are some good fucks, Dude.

Yeah, that film started great and just got better!

I would disagree, really. If no-one has any real knowledge then it's just discussion; like debating the final score in a football match. It's not a spoiler to tell you that one team's best player is out injured - it might affect the game but neither of us know who is going to win. And it's a long way off from (in

You googlin' my bird?


Vaping. Yet more proof that this is the worst generation.

Well, if you picked her up from there after her shift, it would be polite to take her back to start the next. Plus, free food!

Whoa, whoa, whoa … that's some dangerous territory, right there. Like "grass on the green" territory.

The tubes are cheap. Keeping them lubed, that's where you run into serious expenses.

You mean … like … putting a monitor over the guy's head, or something? Or hit him with a keyboard until he's unrecognisable? I just don't see how either of those could work.

Uh, your Honour, if I could have a moment to confer with my client …

You didn't type that anywhere nearly nasally enough.

I don't know. I'm in the middle of googling Supergirl cosplayers. Is it really worth the effort of changing search terms?

Over the State Line, yee-haw!

Who you callin' friend, BUDDY?

That would at least be a daring story to put up on screen. Seeing every single hero die. Instead we'll probably just have all the Avengers hold hands which makes Thanos surge with power somehow and then the Vision will sacrifice himself and yawwwn …

Oh, okay. For a minute I thought something weird was going to happen.