titan arum

Oh right, okay. I thought for a second I wasn't following you.

Was Becky Lynch given as much heat for forgetting to kick out during her match?

I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to trick you.

Guess again!

A throwaway joke used to insult people. That's why I called you an asshole. Like I said, not interested in discussion, why reply at all?

Seriously though, if you dislike the articles on this website and the comments too, you'd probably be happier not reading them. It's not healthy getting upset over internet shit.

What cause?

Guess who didn't read the comments before commenting himself!

Disney encourages people to dream, though. And that's the important thing, apparently.

I've obviously done something to upset you. I'll leave you alone now.

Jedi … Jhursday?

Paging @RepostedWookiepedia:disqus …

Great response, well done. You must be amazing at parties, yelling at people to have a good time, chugging down beers, groping the women. You know, an asshole.

Well, that aspect of the story is certainly not hilarious, trust me.

I thought you meant scepticism as in all the excitement felt before The Phantom Menace, what with that excellent trailer and all, before our hopes and dreams were shattered.

I've no idea what you just said but I'm so into that.

Why would I be scowling?

Well, someone else will, so don't worry!

Because it's the essence of Star Wars as nothing but a moneymaking machine? It's so blatant and yet no-one seems to care, like it's kitten painfully experimented upon to be 100% cute, but aww it's a kitten!

Can you film it, stick it online? It'll save me going entirely.