titan arum

Is downstairs the same place as the farm upstate?

And a boon when it comes time to move homes.

Lynch's Dune? Jodorowsky's Dune!

NO! You must spend all of your spare cash and anything you have left on your credit cards on merchandise NOW! Don't wait for the film to be released! The economy NEEDS you!

She had no idea what she was wearing, right? I imagine one of her PA's dressed her like that for a joke.

That's what your wife said! Golf swing

So what's going on here?

And then the cut to him actually doing it.

That's minus payload, of course.

But would he have loved it without your influence, do you think? Impossible to answer I know.

It's a house of lies!

I collect football (soccer) scarves. They make a great visual decoration displayed on a wall and each one is an adventure to a new football ground I've not been to before and the memory of a town I've visited.

Jesus, that particular person sounds more like he needed therapy.

Sometimes I get the desire to purchase say, the Masterpiece Ultra Magnus figure, or maybe the Play Arts Quiet figure because it has squishy boobs and that's hilarious.

What about toy guns? I mean the cops might mistake it for a real one and shoot you dead. And that's the toy's fault.

An unfortunate by-product of midichlorians.


If it isn't, it will be labelled as a disaster, no matter how many billions the film and all it's toys collectively make.

Oh shit - "possession itself was seen as forbidden as another form of attachment" - the irony!

Is this all on Twitter? I'd love to know who's all coming over so I don't get disappointed.