titan arum

There are a surprising amount of women queueing in those photographs.

Anyone else have a little collection of plastic adorning their bookshelves or whatever? Not collections, just the little pop-culture crap you've picked up?

What is the Jedi "philosophy", anyway?

Wouldn't that be a great job? It be worth working that shitty shift. You just know the Target employees didn't get the opportunity to get any of these figures at staff discount. I hope they stole the shit out of them.

It's the Great Buzz Lightyear massacre all over again! WHEN WILL PEOPLE LEARN?!

I think it's mostly about the fun of the chase. That's what it was for me; recapturing the childhood fun of desiring something and then the joy of getting it … and then on to the next thing.

Ugh, Funko figures. My local comic store has had to give over a whole quarter of their store to them, stacked floor to ceiling. I cannot imagine why anyone would want one, let alone many of them.

That's the thing: Hasbro still make the shitty small figures like always, as well as larger, more detailed (and more expensive) figures more in tune with modern figures - so you can collect both lines!

I would say Ebay but I'm not even sure how much markup people are selling it all for. Except for that tablet controlled ball droid, which will probably be ridiculously expensive and hard to find until after Christmas.

"Yo! Yoyo Yoda, yo!"

Don't worry, Force Awakens will definitely, positively be a better film and all these pre-emptive toy purchases won't end up being as worthless as a first-run Jar-Jar Binks figure. Probably.

I had to wait five hours yesterday to get discharged from hospital, before I gave up and sneaked out. It was exhilarating! Until I remembered hospitals don't have security guards.

It's difficult not to be bemused by the people who have written lengthy rants online whining about how they couldn't get that one figure from a film they haven't seen and may yet be awful.

This is going to become an annual thing, isn't it? Even on the (few) years Disney isn't cranking out another film, this junk-buying exercise will become tradition.

I'd like it if Killer Croc's arms are still bandaged from that time Bane broke them both, twenty-odd years ago.

In the game of chess, you must never let your opponents see your pieces.

Killed off in two panels?

Some competish you are …

The worst thing about being a slave is that you have to work all the time and they never let you go.

Now we're slavin'!