titan arum

He's has a name you know! He's not just a number.

Ugh, black holes are so over. Hipsters in beards eating bowls of cereal everywhere. Let's go somewhere else.

Now we're slavin'!

I'm sure that some of the workers building the 2020 World Cup stadiums in Qatar are reasonably comfortable too. Or perhaps not.

And he's partially to blame for Prometheus.

Meeper people!

God yes. Get off all our lawns!

You'd think that cutting down the TV shows and increasing the house shows would save them a bit of money, and help keep things fresh.

Do we really need to watch the Undertaker struggle through another match with Lesnar? It was painful in places last night.

It didn't have quite the same memorable feel to it as the Ultimate Warrior winning the top two belts way back in the day …

Is it really because Cena's cruddy at it, though, or has Vince instructed him to act like Superman/Hulk Hogan, you know, for the kids?

Lana is a valet/manager, like Sensational Sherri, right? And she's called a Diva. But Charlotte and Sasha and all the others are Divas too? I don't watch Total Divas so I have no idea who features on that - all of the women? Ugh. I can totally understand why people don't want anyone from NXT "stepping up" to the E.

The crow seemed completely dead by the Divas match. Four hours - too long to watch on TV, too long to watch live?

I really didn't understand the set-up for the tag-team and divas matches. Why have entire teams stuck on the sides for long, long stretches with nothing to do?

Hey whatever. Good for you, whatever reasons you need to remain in love with a faceless multinational company invested in nothing more than the bottom line - one that has a long history of screwing over creators as well as using (basically) slave labour to manufacture it's products. It just knows that cheap

You can commodity and sell "pure unadulterated joy"? Okay. Does in come in packages or needles or something?

What's a "known good"? Do you mean a known quantity, or a good as in positive? Because I can assure you the Conservative government are up there with the Empire in terms of being shitty.

Poor Frederick Chilton indeed. Although Hannibal slurping up one of his lips was delightful.

Someone paid £255 on ebay for a Dismaland ballon that reads "I AM AN IMBECILE". Everyone should go hit up a keyword search to view the insanity that is the greedy speculators trying to make a fortune off anything that might be related to Banksy - including drawings made with felt pen.

Smitten with Disney, Jesus. That's like being in love with Nike or having the hots for McDonalds.